
Some of these similarities may be a bit of a stretch but, some are curious.

Note that the image of a “church” can also be easily interpreted as the image of the rising Sun as here:

Further note on this…

The following is a pot that was found at Wyszogród in Mazovia. It is currently at the ethnographic Museum of the Vistula at Wyszogród (Muzeum Wisły w Wyszogrodzie). According to the work of Michał Auch  in his MA thesis “The Problems and State of Research on Early Medieval Pottery from Gdańsk Pomerania” (Problematyka i stan badań nad naczyniami wczesnośredniowiecznymi z terenu Pomorza Gdańskiego) this is a Suavic pot dated to the 7th century. Here is Auch’s picture of the same:

What drew everyone’s attention was the figure of a rider on it. But the rider picture was not the only interesting thing about the pot. As you can see here, the pot also features rather interesting “runes”, specifically, including the interesting “double 2” seen on the various spearheads from Central European area (where each “2’s” connection to the other “2” varies). Here is the picture from the museum website (obviously they want you to focus on these etchings):


Now, we will come back to the question of whether there is actually a rider here (there is a horse for sure or, perhaps, there are horses) but for now focus on the etchings:

Clearly, particularly the middle one resembles the “2s” in the above pictures. It seems hard not to think that this something other than lightning symbols – whether the spearhead signs were also lightning symbols is another matter. It seems to me that this maybe a symbol of the lightning “fork” whose Greek name is, of course, πιρούνι.

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May 10, 2019

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