Monthly Archives: August 2018

Innocent III Against the Ludi (1207)

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In 1207, Pope Innocent III (Pope 1198-1216) issued an order to Henry Kietlicz, the archbishop of the Polish Gniezno province, and to his team, in which letter the Pope called the Polish clerics attention to the introduction, especially during the Christmas feasts held by deacons, priests and sub-deacons, of masks and theatrical games into churches, and ordered the discontinuance of the practice.  Innocent III’s decretal was included as part of the permanent canon law in the Decretales of Gregory IX in 1234.

You can read more about this in Edmund Kerchever Chambers’s “The Medieval Stage” volume 1, (pages 274-335 regarding the so-called “Feast of Fools”) or look at the more recent scholarship by Meg Twycross and Sarah Carpenter in their “Masks and Masking in Medieval and Early Tudor England.” feastoffools

The order seem to have been originally printed in L.G.O. Feudrix de Bréquigny & F.J.G. La Porte du Theil’s Diplomata (Diplomata, Chartae, Epistolae et alia Documenta Ad Res Francicas Spectantia, etc. volume II, ed. 1791, pp. 1037-8).  It was then reprinted in the Diplomatic Codex of Greater Poland (Codex diplomaticus majoris Poloniae volume I, ed. 1877, document number 55, page 58).   From there, because of the potential that such practices were rooted in pre-Christian paganism, Karl Meyer reprinted the order in his Historic Sources of Slavic Religion (Fontes historiae religions slavicae).

There is a question, of course, whether and to what extent these practices were pagan or were merely variations on the Christian feasts. Although the letter was sent to the archbishop of Gniezno, there is also a question as to whether the letter referred to practices that the Papacy found specifically in Poland or that were found all over Europe (indeed, it was perhaps because of the universality of its application that it found its way into the Decretales of Gregory IX).  On that topic you can read  (in Polish) the excellent article by Maksymilian Kawczyński “Regarding the Beginnings of Polish Poetry” (O początkach poezyi polskiej, Kwartalnik Historyczny, 1889).

All that said, it seems that the customs were reported on to the Pope by the archbishop himself during his visit to Rome (Ad nostram siquidem noveritis audientiam pervenisse) and similar “Christmas” practices were reported in Poland many times over as in:

The letter is also rather clear as to who exactly was doing all this “caroling”. It was the children of various priests who led these plays and excesses. In fact, it seems that priests back then had many children and it was these priest clans that led the plays and festivals dressed up in “monstrous” masks. Whether these festivities were merely “mockeries” of Christian rituals and dignitaries (archbishop Kietlicz?) or were instead something more, perhaps relics of pagan customs, is an open question.

We present the order here based on the from found in the Diplomatic Codex but also show its source (that is the Diplomata print of Bréquigny and du Theil). Some of the translation comes from the Twycross and Carpenter book. The green text indicates the portion of the secrete that comes from the Meyer reprint and is translated immediately below. 

“…Due to their [that is, the clerics’] insolence, sometimes theatrical entertainments are made in these same churches, and not only are monstrosities [in the form] of terrifying apparitions [masks?] introduced to [produce] misguided shows, but also in the three feasts of the year which follow immediately after the Nativity, deacons, priests and subdeacons in turn, indulging in demented mockery, by the unseemly intoxication of their gestures [made] in full view of the public, bring the honor of the clergy into disrepute, [and] who should rather have been soothingly preaching the word of God at such time… However fun these playful customs or rather corruptions [may be], strive to root them out thus from your churches, for you are the guardians of the temple of worship and of the holy order.

Innocent III Pope (January 5,1207)
Letter to the Archbishop of Gniezno
Epistula ad archiepiscopum Gneznensem

Innocentius Pp. III 1207 Jan. 8Rome apud s. Petrum; interdicit archiepiscopo Gneznensi et suffraganeis eius, ne publice uxoratos admittant ad ecclesiasticas dignitates, simulque mandat, ludibria publica in ecclesiis extirpent.

“… Gneznensi archiepiscopo et suffraganeis eius. Cum decorem domus Domini et locum tabernaculi glorie sue diligere vos oporteat, accurata vobis est sollicitudine precavendum, ne in commissis vobis ecclesiis illa temere presumantur, que vel in eis lampadem religionis extinguere, vel munditiam videantur ministrorum Domini maculare. Ad nostram siquidem noveritis audientiam pervenisse, quod quidam in vestris diocesibus constituti, publice cum mulieribus contrahentes ecclesiasticas non verentur suscipere dignitates, et nonnullarum ecclesiarum canonici, quorum lumbos iuxta verbum evangelice veritatis deceret esse precinctos ac in eorum manibus lucernas bone operationis ardere, usque adeo luxurie sordibus putruerunt, quod nec etiam ignominiam suam velint turpitudinemque velare, quin immo filios ex infami generatione susceptos, ad ministerium altaris, quo se reddunt indignos, indignius secum trahunt; ac si non satis in opprobrium ordinis clericalis eorum incontinentia foret cognita, nisi natorum, in publicum deductorum loquentiumque testimonium, contra ipsos esset ostensione sedula comprobata. Cumque in ecclesiis in quibus huiusmodi clerici locum habent multa enormiter attententur, dum in eisdem fermentata patrum et filiorum, nepotum etiam et affinium parentela inordinate ministrat, quia videlicet amore predominante carnali reverentia spiritualis tepuit inter ipsos, unde nequaquam unus quodlibet facere propter alium pretermittit: per insolentiam eorundem [sc. clericorum] interdum ludi fiunt in eisdem ecclesiis theatrales, et non solum ad ludibriorum spectacula introducuntur in eas monstra larvarum, verum etiam in tribus anni festivitatibus que continue Natalem Christi sequuntur, diaconi, presbyteri ac subdiaconi vicissim insanie sue ludibria exercentes, per gesticulationum suarum debacchationes obscenas in conspectu populi decus faciunt clericale vilescere, quem potius illo tempore verbi Dei deberent predicatione mulcere. Quia igitur ex officio nobis iniuncto zelus domus Dei nos comedit et opprobria exprobrantium ei super nos cadere dignoscuntur, fraternitati vestre per apostolica scripta mandamus, quatenus, ne per huiusmodi turpitudinem Ecclesie inquinetur honestas, eos qui sunt publice uxorati non admittatis de cetero ad ecclesiasticas dignitates, et admissos repellatis ab eis quas non possunt sine pravo exemplo et gravi scandalo retinere. Filiis quoque canonicorum, prebendas in eisdem conferri ecclesiis non sinatis quarum sunt canonici patres eorum: cum indecorum sit, ut in altaris officio illegitimus filius impudico patri ministret, in quo unigenitus Filius eterno Patri pro salute humani generis victimatur. Prelibatam vero ludibriorum consuetudinem vel potius corruptelam, curetis ab ecclesiis vestris taliter extirpare, quod vos divini cultus et sacri comprobetis ordinis zelatores. Datum Rome apud sanctum Petrum VI Idus Ianuarii, anno nono.


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August 26, 2018

Hannibal of Capua’s Letter to Paolo Emilio Sfondrati

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Hannibal of Capua (aka Annibale di Capua), the bishop of Naples spent some time in Poland as the papal nuncio between 1586 and 1591. He produced copious correspondence reporting back to HQ regarding all sorts of matters. One of the letters to the Vatican Secretary of State at the time – Paolo Emilio Sfondrati – contains a description of certain pagan practices in Poland. The correspondence was copied from the so-called Chigi archive in Italy by Professor Stanisław Smolka in 1888 and was later mentioned by the Polish historian priest Jan Nepomucen Fijałek. As far as I can tell the text of the letter has not been published but  Fijałek’s description has been and it goes like this:

“…even at the end of the XVI century the papal nuncio Hannibal of Capua was reporting to the secretary of state Sfondrato about a superstitious rite that was practiced in Poland at that time in which a straw doll was made in the shape of a dragon to represent an evil spirit which was then thrown down from the church belfry on – if we are not mistaken – Ascension Day.” 

In later times, a similar custom was reported in Cracow where a straw figure of “Judas” would be dropped from the church bell tower and thereafter abused.

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August 25, 2018

Constitutio Synodalis Uniejoviensis (Constitutio Janislai)

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The following excerpt comes from the 1326 provincial statutes of the Uniejów synod (Statuta synodi provincials Uniejoviensis or Statuta synodu w Uniejowie). The synod which was presided by the Gniezno archbishop Janisław. The statutes were preserved, as far as is known, in two manuscripts. One of them remained in Gniezno until the Swedish Wars of 1655. At that point it was stolen by the Swedish army and moved to Upsala. However, in 1741 it was retrieved from Sweden by Joseph Andrew Załuski, a Polish priest. During the reign of the last Polish king Stanisław August Poniatowski, the manuscript was placed by the monarch in the Załuski Library where it was part of the Załuski Collection (because of the Załuski bishops who were the original founders/owners) or Bibliotheca Zalusciana in Warsaw (hence some refer to it as a Codex Zaluscianus). As an aftermath of the Kosciuszko Uprising in 1794, the manuscript, along with the rest of the Załuski Collection was stolen by tsartist forces and removed to Petersburg. Some of them were returned by the Soviets in the 1920s during the feel-good days post-WWI.  It is not clear whether this codex too was returned. In any event, the codices that were returned were destroyed by Nazi troops who set fire to Warsaw. Thankfully, the codex was rediscovered at the Imperial Library and some of it was published in 1856 by Romuald de Hube (a Warsaw University professor who was in Petersburg at the time) in his Antiquissimae constitutiones synodales provinciae Gneznensis maxima ex parte. At about the same time portions of the codex were also published by Antoni Helcel in his Monuments of Old Polish Law (Starodawne prawa polskiego pomniki). De Hube had available also another manuscript of the same from the Stronczynski collection – this manuscript appears to reside at the Wrocław University Library.

From the de Hube edition, the following excerpts found their way to Karl Meyer’s Fontes as Constitutio Synodalis Uniejoviensis.

Archbishop Janisław

Constitutio Synodalis Uniejoviensis
(Constitutio Janislai)
February 19, 1326

De ludo larvatorum

Quoniam sicut ad deceptionem nonnunquam angelus sathanae in lucis Angelum transformatur, sic profecto ad defuscationem imaginis paternae, spiritus creaturae rationalis, in qua divinae operationis effigies, per gratiam dignoscitur elucere, assumere censetur formas spirituum immundorum, statuismus ergo: ut nulli omnino clerici vel laici induti monstris larvarum, ecclesias vel coemeteria ipsarum ingredi praesumant, praesertim dum in illis divina officia peragrantur, quum per hujusmodi ludibriorum spectacula et fervor devotionis tepescat, et honestas ecclesiae et decor clericalis ordinis inquinetur; decernentes, clericos quoslibet et laicos monstruosas et detestabiles imagines hujusmodi deferentes, ipso facto, excommunicationis sententiae subjacere, ab illa, donec poenituerinti, nullatenus absolvendos. Adjicimus insuper: quod clerici vel laici ludos superstitiosos, juxta quorundam locorum abusum, in processionibus ecclesiarum ante natale domini* exercentes, eo ipso poena simili sint constricti.

On the Masked/Monstrous Games/Carollers

“Since sometimes an angel of satan is, as a deception, transformed into an angel of light, in the same way to obfuscate…** so therefore are needed these laws:”

“that neither clergy nor laymen should put on masks of monsters [or] enter [wearing them] into churches or cemeteries, especially while acting in the course of their official religious duties since this manner of games and spectacles reduces piety and lowers the respectability of the church and of the clerical order;”

“(1) we decree that those clergy and laymen who are accused of carrying these monstrous and odious images, become subject, by this reason, to the penalty of excommunication from which they should not be freed until they’ve suffered penance.”***

“(2) we further add that clergy and laymen should not conduct – for such abuses have taken place in certain places – superstitious spectacles/games during church gatherings before the birthday of the Lord and should they do so they will be subject to the same punishment.”****

Modern Carolers – note the rosette symbol

* The “ante natale domini” does not appear in the de Hube version.

** compare this with the statutes of Wrocław Bishop Nanker from the year 1331: “Quoniam sicut ad deceptionem nonnumquam angelus sathane in lucid angelorum transformatur, sic perfecto ad defuscacionem ymaginis paterne, spiritus creature racionabilis, in qua divine operacionis effigies per graciam dinoscitur elucere, assumere censetur forms spirituum immundorum, statuimus igitur [nulli omnin]o clerici vel layci induti monstris larvarum ecclesias…” 

*** This 1326 prohibition against masked “caroling” and pagan “theatrical” plays (interestingly, as part of church services!) is basically a repetition of the prohibition issued by Innocent III in 1207 with respect to Polish territories (per insolentiam corundum [that is folio rum clericorum] interdum ludi fount in ecclesia theatrales et… ad ludibriorum spectacle introducuntur monster larvarum…). It also encapsulates additional concepts found in the prohibitions of Pope Clement V found in his Gravi nimirum turbatione.

**** This 1326 prohibition against pagan games during church processions that took place during the last days of the Advent and during Christmas Eve. Similar practices are also reflected in Clement V’s Gravi nimirum turbatione. The same admonitions are repeated in Poland in the 1420 statutes of Bishop Andrew nearly 100 years later (De ludis festorum – Item in vigilia Nativitatis Christi prohibeantur ludi et superstitiosae opiniones, quae – proh dolor! – in hac vigent patria.).

Janisław’s seal

For more on the rosette symbol in the star above, see here.

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August 19, 2018

Capitulatio de Partibus Saxoniae

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When Meyer put out his Fontes historiae religionis slavicae, he included in the Appendix portions of the Saxon-directed Capitulatio de partibus Saxoniae – basically, a list of a series of transgressions that, according to Charlemagne, should be punished, generally by death. Some of these harsh rules are quite interesting, like the Christian decree against pagans burning (or eating) witches – burning or eating a person believed by the pagans to be a witch was thus punishable by death – what a change a few hundred years makes. The rules themselves were decreed around 780 by Charlemagne for the territory of Saxony and include several mentions of local paganism that Meyer thought either related to Slavs or could have related to Slavs (highlighted and translated below). Notice, for example, the mention of the “striga” or witch which has cognates in Slavic languages with strzyga. The Slavic strzyga is, supposedly, a borrowing from the Latin and that, in turn, perhaps, comes from ancient Greek (στρίγξ) in which it refers to an owl – screecher” (witches supposedly took the form of an owl as they flew around).  This, however, is merely an assertion made by Brueckner for which he provided no support (as for most of his assertions).  Interestingly, it seems the word does not survive in modern Greek. Curiously too, the word appears among only Western Slavic languages – Polish, Slovak and Slovene – but not among other Slavs (East or, importantly, South).  Also, interesting, is the fact that the word also appears in Venetian, Ligurian, Italian, Romanian and certain other Romance languages. The word does not appear in Germanic languages except, perhaps, in Lombard. This text appears in two manuscripts – here we follow the Vaticanus Palatinus 289:

Capitulatio de partibus Saxoniae

Constitute sunt primum de maioribus capitulis. Hoc placuit omnibus, ut ecclesiae Christi, que modo construuntur in Saxonia et Deo sacratae sunt, non minorem habeant honorem sed maiorem et excellentiorem quam vana habuissent idolorum.

  1. Si quis confugiam fecerit in ecclesiam, nullus eum de ecclesia per violentiam expellere praesumat, sed pacem habeat usque dum ad placitum praesentetur, et propter honorem Dei sanctorumque ecclesiae ipsius reverentiam concedatur ei vita et omnia membra. Emendet autem causam in quantum potuerit et ei fuerit iudicatum; et sic ducatur ad praesentiam domni regis, et ipse eum mittat ubi clementiae ipsius placuerit.
  2. Si quis ecclesiam per violentiam intraverit et in ea per vim vel furtu aliquid abstulerit vel ipsam ecclesiam igne cremaverit, morte moriatur.
  3. Si quis sanctum quadragensimale ieiunium pro despectu christianitatis contempserit et carnem comederit, morte moriatur; sed tamen consideretur a sacerdote ne forte causa necessitatis hoc cuilibet proveniat ut carnem commedat..
  4. Si quis episcopum aut presbyterum sive diaconum interficerit, similiter capite punietur.
  5. Si quis a diabulo deceptus crediderit secundum morem paganorum, virum aliquem aut feminam strigam esse et homines commedere, et propter hoc ipsam incenderit vel carnem eius ad commedendum dederit vel ipsam commederit, capitali sententiae punietur. If he who is deceived by the devil, believes in accordance with pagan custom, that any man or woman is a witch and eats people, and for this reason burns such a person or eats such person’s flesh or delivers it to be eaten [?], will be punished by death.
  6. Si quis corpus defuncti hominis secundum ritum paganorum flamma consumi fecerit et ossa eius ad cinerem redierit, capitae punietur.
  7. Si quis deinceps in gente Saxonorum inter eos latens non baptizatus se abscondere voluerit et ad baptismum venire contempserit paganusque permanere voluerit, morte moriatur.
  8. Si quis hominem diabulo sacrificaverit et in hostiam more paganorum daemonibus obtulerit, morte moriatur. If any person sacrifices to the devil and, in accordance with pagan custom, makes offerings to demons, will suffer death. 
  9. Si quis cum paganis consilium adversus christianos inierit vel cum illis in adversitate christianorum perdurare voluerit, morte moriatur; et quicumque hoc idem fraude contra regem vel gentem christianorum consenserit, morte moriatur.
  10. Si quis domino regi infidelis apparuerit, capitali sententia punietur.
  11. Si quis filiam domini sui rapuerit morte morietur.
  12. Si quis dominum suum vel dominam suam interficerit, simili modo punietur.
  13. Si vero pro his mortalibus criminibus latenter commissis aliquis sponte ad sacerdotem confugerit et confessione data ageri poenitentiam voluerit, testimonio sacerdotis de morte excusetur.
  14. De minoribus capitulis consenserunt omnes. Ad unamquamque ecclesiam curte et duos mansos terrae pagenses ad ecclesiam recurrentes condonant, et inter centum viginti homines, nobiles et ingenuis similiter et litos, servum et ancillam eidem ecclesiae tribuant.
  15. Et hoc Christo propitio placuit, ut undecumque census aliquid ad fiscum pervenerit, sive in frido sive in qualecumque banno et in omni redibutione ad regem pertinente, decima pars ecclesiis et sacerdotibus reddatur.
  16. Similiter secundum Dei mandatum praecipimus, ut omnes decimam partem substantiae et laboris suis ecclesiis et sacerdotibus donent: tam nobiles quam ingenui similiter et liti, iuxta quod Deus unicuique dederit christiano, partem Deo reddant.
  17. Ut in dominicis diebus conventus et placita publica non faciant, nisi forte pro magna necessitate aut hostilitate cogente, sed omnes ad ecclesiam recurrant ad audiendum verbum Dei et orationibus vel iustis operibus vacent. Similiter et in festivitatibus praeclaris Deo et ecclesiae conventui deserviant et secularia placita demittant.
  18. Similiter placuit his decretis inserere, quod omnes infantes infra annum baptizantur; et hoc statuimus, ut si quis infantem intra circulum anni ad baptismum offerre contempserit sine consilio vel licentia sacerdotis , si de nobile generi fuerit centum viginti solidos fisco conponant, si ingenuus sexaginta, si litus triginta.
  19. Si quis prohibitum vel inlicitum coniugium sibi sortitus fuerit, si nobilis solidos sexaginta; si ingenuus triginta, si litus quindecim.
  20. Si quis ad fontes aut arbores vel lucos votum fecerit aut aliquit more gentilium obtulerit et ad honorem daemonum commederet, si nobilis fuerit solidos sexaginta, si ingenuus triginta, si litus quindecim. Si vero non habuerint unde praesentaliter persolvant, ad ecclesiae servitium donentur usque dum ipsi solidi solvantur. If anyone, after the rustic fashion, makes offerings to streams, trees or groves, and holds feasts to honor the demons, will pay sixty solidi if a noble, thirty if a freeman, fifteen if a serf. And if he should not have the money, then he shall work off his debt in the service of the Church.      
  21. Iubemus ut corpora christianorum Saxanorum ad cimiteria ecclesiae deferantur et non ad tumulus paganorum.
  22. Divinos et sortilegos ecelesiis et sacerdotibus dare constituimus.
  23. De latronibus et malefactorihus, qui de una comitatu ad alium confugium fecerint, si quis eos receperit in suam potestate et septem noctibus secum detenuerit, nisi ad praesentandum, nostrum bannum solvat. Similiter si comis eum absconderit et ad iustitiam faciendam praesentare noluerit et ad hoc excusare non potest, honorem suum perdat.
  24. De pignore: ut nullatenus alterum aliquis pignorare praesumat; et qui hoc fecerit, bannum persolvat
  25. Ut nulli hominum contradicere viam ad nos veniendo pro iustitia reclamandi aliquis praesumat; et si aliquis hoc facere conaverit, nostrum bannum persolvat
  26. Si quis homo fideiussorem invenire non potuerit, res illius in forbanno mittantur usque dnm fideiussorem praesentet. Si vero super bannum in domum suum intrare praesumpserit, aut solidos decem aut unum bovem pro emendatione ipsius banni conponat, et insuper unde debitor exstitit persolvat. Si vero fideiussor diem statutum non observaberit, tunc ipse tantum damni incurrat quantum manus sua fideiussoris exstitit; ille autem qui debitor fideiussori exstitit duplum restituat, pro eo quod fideiussorem in damnum cadere permisit.
  27. De praemiis et muneribus: ut munera super innocente nullus accipiat; et si quis hoc facere praesumpserit, nostrum bannum solvat. Et si, quod absit, forte comis hoc fecerit, honorem suum perdat.
  28. Ut universi comites pacem et concordiam ad invicem habere studeant; et si forte inter eos aliqua discordia aut conturbium ortum fuerit, aut nostrum solatium vel perfectum pro hoc non demittant.
  29. Si quis comitem interficcrit vel de eius morte consilium dederit, hereditas illius ad partem regis eveniat et in ius eius redicatur.
  30. Dedimus potestatem comitibus bannum mittere infra suo ministerio de faida vel maioribus causis in solidos LX; de minoribus vero causis comitis bannum in solidos XV constituimus.
  31. Si cuilibet homini sacramcntum debet aliquis, aframeat illum ad ecclesiam sacramenta ad diem statutum; et si iurare contempserit, fidem faciat, et solidos quindecim componat qui iactivus apparuit, et deinceps causam pleniter emendare faciat.
  32. De peruriis, secundum legem Saxonorum sit.
  33. Interdiximus ut omnes Saxones generaliter conventus publicos nec faciant, nisi forte missus noster de verbo nostro eos congregare fecerit; sed unusquisque comes in suo ministerio placita et iustitias faciat. Et hoc a sacerdotibus consideretur, ne aliter faciat.

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August 8, 2018

Inter Slavos Ruditatis Antique Maxime Tenaces

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Here is a document from the synod at Włocławek from the 14th century (perhaps early 15th century). The text is a set of interrogatories to be asked of witnesses brought before the synod. I only translated the pieces that made their way into Karl Meyer’s Fontes historiae religionis Slavicae. The text drew the attention first of Antoni Helcel, then of Władysław Abraham, then of Aleksander Brueckner and then, importantly, of Meyer. The Wisłocki list of Jagiellonian Library manuscripts also makes brief mention of the text. Of course, the pictures are courtesy of the same library. The English translation corresponds to the green portions of the full Latin text that follows. Note that some of the superstitions which are listed below (such as worshipping trees) were frequently listed in other religious texts throughout Europe so that their attestation in Poland is not certain. They may have been part of “standard” anti-paganim formulae trotted out by Christian religious writers. On the other hand, some of the other rites such at the specifically named amulets were, likely, at least under the name described below, unique to Poland or to Slav lands. 

Exhortatio Visitationis Synodalis Vladislaviensis

“[The following should be asked about in front of the synodal inquisition]…And too those who call on demons or believe in or worship more than one God the creator of everything or if they bow down or worship as Gods birds or trees or other creatures. And those too that are enchantresses and who are, for example, digging out herbs, attaching them as small amulets around [people’s] necks, which [the amulets] are commonly called nawęzły [or nawęzy]or on the hands of those people that they are examining, pouring wax [or] liquid lead, examining fire, water, birds and predicting the future from those… And those who have secret and suspect gatherings from which springs suspicion of the faith. And if baptized Jews or pagans relapse into the rites of the unbelievers.”


nos sumus missi per dominum nostrum Episcopum et eius capitulum omnibus sibi comissis in salutem; et est intencionis domini nostri predicti et suorum, peccata euellere et virtutes plantare in cordibus Christi fidelium. Et quia est opus misericordie et magnum apud Deum meritum proximum ab errore reuocare ut vir impius derelinquat viam et vir iniquus cogitaciones suas, ideo ne et vos qui vestra bona fama deferente magis honesti et senes estis deputati in ista parochia, ex aliqua criminis taciturnitate forte tamquam ex quodam consensu videamini peccata approbare, dicentes meram veritatem de qua interrogati fueritis de omnibus excessibus et peccatis que obuiant saluti animarum comissis hic in parrochia vel alibi ubicunque in isto Episcopatu que ad uos peruenerunt ex visu auditu vel fama vel quomodocunque, pro illo diuinam retribucionem expectaturi. Sed, quia testis qui veritatem quam nouit occultat et eciam is qui mendacium dicit reus est, primus quia prodesse non wlt, secundus quia nocere desiderat, sancti patres decreuerunt iuramenta esse exigenda ab hiis, qui ut testes interrogati veritatem dicere debent, ergo iurabitis sub hac forma et quiuis seorsum: Ego enim iuro ad sanctorum dei reliquias, quod quecunque noui aut audiui, que contra voluntatem dei et totam christianitatem in ista parrochia facta sunt, aut eciam in aliis vicinis parrochiis, quod ea nec propter parentelam nec propter amorem nec propter timorem nec propter precium nullatenus cellabo Episcopo meo aut eius misso seu missis sed interrogatus veritatem dicam quam scio, sic me deus adiuuat et iste sanctorum reliquie. Si vero viderint presentatos per parrochianos senes grandewos, honestos, bone fame tunc pretermisso iuramento nisi quod eis insinuetur qualiter deberent iurare si non essent tam honeste persone, sic ad inquisicionem procedatur:

Item an per negligenciam aliqui homines neglecti fuerint in sacramentorum percepcione maxime tempore infirmitatis vel mortis aut decesserint sine confessione aut sine baptismo et ex quorum negligentia hoc factum est. Item si aliqui plebani aut sacerdotes manifestauerint confessionem sibi confitentium verbo signo vel nutu vel quocunque alio modo. Item si aliqui sacerdotes missam celebraverunt aut celebrant horis canonicis pretermissis.

Item si qui plebani aligenos parochianos suscipiant ad missas in contemptum aliorum plebanorum et absque eorum licencia maxime in diebus dominicis et festivilatibus magnis aut sacramenta vel ad alia iura parochialia vel ad ecclesiasticam sepulturam.

Item si qui sacerdotes negligant celebrare populo saltem in festiuitatibus uel diebus dominicis aut aliis temporibus quibus de consuetudine fuerit celebrandum.

Item si qui sacerdotes in loco interdicto, aut excomunicati aut suspensi celebrauerunt antea absolucionem. Item si qui sacerdotes uel clerici non viatores ingrediantur ad thabernas ad bibendum cum aliis potatoribus uel ad comedendum.

Item si qui clerici per se teneant vel regant thabernas aliis potum vendendo.

Item si qui sacerdotes longo tempore obmiserint celebrare et que causa.

Item utrum aliquis defectus est in ornamentis aut libris ecclesie et ex quorum culpa talis negligencia proveniat et visitatores hec actualiter inspiciant.

Item si viderint ecclesiam minantem ruina discoopertam destructam vel cimiterium non uallatum seu sepitum interrogent ex quorum culpa talis negligencia provenit. Item utrum corpus Christi et alia sacramenta caute custodianturtam a muribus quam a sortilegiis.

Item si qui teneant ecclesias parochiales in dyocesi ad quas non sunt per Episcopum per collacionem canonicam provisi aut legittime instituti.

Item si qui a patronis receperint beneficia cum diminucione prouentuum aut negligant iura ecclesie defendere. Item si qui beneficia sint adepti symoniace.

Item si qui denegant sacramenta petentibus nisi soluant pecunias.

Item si qui celebrauerunt coram publice excommunicatis aut eos admiserunt ad diuina preter quam ad sermonem.

Item si fama sit de aliquo sacerdote aut clerico qui teneat aliquam concubinam aut mulierem suspectam in domo uel extra domum.

Item si quis sacerdos uel clericus ludo alearum seu taxillorum aut aliis ludis illicitis frequenter intendit. Item si quis celebrauerit non jeiunus aut in ebrietate per sompnium non digestum uel plures missas uno die celebrauerit excepto in natiuitate domini et que causa.

Item si aliqui sacerdotes absoluunt a peccatis uel sentenciis a quibus absoluere non possunt preter auctoritatem sedis Aposstolice aut Kpiscopi. Item utrum aliqui sunt sepulti in Ecclesia uel cimiterio qui decesserunt in notorio mortali peccato aut in excommunicacione aut qui rectam fidem catholicam non habuerunt, uel non tenuerunt, aut manifesti usurarii, vel qui ad minus semel in anno non sunt confessi aut sacram communionem non receperunt. Item si qui sacerdotes aliquos nominatim excommunicant propria auctoritate non premissa monicione. Item si qui sucerdotes obmiserunt sive obmittunt demunciare excommunicatos suspensos et interdictos prout receperunt in mandatis a prelatis suis. Item si qui clerici per alios ad ordines presentati suis presentatoribus promiserint aut iurauerint quod eos super prouisione sua non inquietent. Item si qui sacerdotes super incertis debitis vel aliis male aquisitis de quibus nescitur cui restitui debeant confitentes absque licencia Episcopi speciali adquem de iure pertinent talia disponere, disposuerunt. Item si qui beneficiati se diu absentent a suis beneficiis absque licencia Episcopi Wladislauiensis.

Item si qui clerici in sacris ordinibus constituti inmisceant se negociis secularibus ordini suo non congruentibus, uel si qui comam nutriant uel alias incongrue incedant absque habitu uel alias incongrue incedant absque habitu tonsura clericali. Item si qui plebani receperunt vicarios aut presbyteros ignotos de quorum conuersacione non constet et utrum sint in presbyterum ordinati et maxime si tales receperunt absque licencia Episcopi uel auctoritatem habentis. Item si qui plebani alienauerunt de rebus Ecclesiarum suarum.

Item si qui clerici celebrent in Ecclesia sua uel oratorio effusione sanguinis uel modo alio exsecrato vel sepellient in cimiterio similiter exsecrato ante q’1am episcopali reconciliacione mundetur. Item si qui sunt qui teneant aliquid iniuste de bonis ac iuribus episcopalibus. Item si qui sunt obligati aliquibus debitis ipsi Episcopo uel mense sue. Item si uacante aliqua Ecclesia res sacerdotis derelictas aliqui receperunt consumpserunt uel inter se diuiserunt. Itemsi aliqua bona sciunt de nouo exstirpata de quibus non datur dcci m a Episcopo. Item si aIiqui plebani decimas mense episcopalis iniuste oceupant. Item si laici aliqui occulte retinent decimas mense episcopalis uel aliarum ecclesiarum seu beneficiorum nec eas soluunt.

Item si qui pulsis rusticis de agris ab eisdem nolunt soluere decimam. Item si omnes ad quos spectat decimare nobiles et ignobiles integre decimant. Item si plebanus uel alius loco sui sepe predicet uerbum dei in Ecclesia. Item utrum sacerdotes concedant indiscretas indulgencias ad recipiendum homines. Item si sacerdotes exponant populo in sermonibus capitulum omnis utriusque sexus. Item si quis Episcopo suouerbisautfactis seu nutibus infidelis extiterit. Item si qui diu sine confessione per annum integrum uel per plures similiter absque communione [permanstrint]. Item siqui sint commanentes tamquam coniuges qui non sunt in legittimo matrimonio constituti.

Item si qui sint in gradu subdiaconatus uel ultra et stent cum mulieribus tamquam legittime coniugati.

Item si qui coniuges nolunt simul manere et que causa. Item si qui superduxerunt alias uxores, habentes primas uxores uel e econuerso uxores alios maritos.

Item si qui coniuges male uiuunt puta contencionibus et rixis illicitis.

Item si quis uir grauitur uxorem suam tractat.

Item si qui alias uxores duxerunt antcquam certificati fuerint de morte uxorum suarum uel antequam auctoritate Episcopi fuerint iudicio Ecclesie separati simul et econuerso de mulieribus.

Item si qui contraxerint sponsalia vel matrimonia clandestine seu occulte absque solemnitate plebani vel vicarii sui. Item si qui sunt adulteri manifesti.

Item si qui sunt incestuosi et puta ubi consanguineus cum consanguinea vel affinis cum affini vel compater cum commatre vel sua filia spirituali carnale commercium habuerunt vel se illicito matrimonio copulauerunt.

Idem intelligendum de confirmacione ut puta inter confirmatum et illum qui eum tenet ad confirmacionem aut eundem confirmatum et tenentem filios et filias uxorem ante carnaliter cognitam. Item si qui sint heretici vel de sacramentis Ecclesiae male sencientes. Item si qui invocant demones vel credunt vel colunt plures quam unum deum qui omnia creavit aut si qui adorent seu pro deo colent aves vel arbores vel alias creaturas.

Item si que sunt incantatrices ut puta herbas fodientes, appendicula ad colla facientes videlicet in wlgari nawanszij vel manus inspicientes, ceram plumbum liquefacta fundentes, ignem aquam aues inspicientes et ex eis futura predicentes, et si aliqui pro talibus habeant recursum ad eas et qui sunt qui currunt ad easdem.

Item si qui occulta et suspecta conventicula inter se habuerunt ex quibus oriatur suspicio contra fidem. Item si qui Judei aut pagani baptizati ritum infidelium reassumpserunt. Item si qui sunt exercentes usuras vel recipiunt possesiones aliquas ut puta villas allodia mansos in pingnus vel in obligacionem et fructus ac redditus quos medio tempore ab eisdem temporibus ultra labores et expensas recipiunt non computent in sortem nec permittunt per eosdem redditus debitum extenuari. Item si qui de lucro usurario usuram recipiunt. Item si qui colorato sub tytulo vendicionis usuras exerceant ut medio tempore de fructibus rei vendite percipiant nam licet ille contractus empcio vel vendicio appelletur sub dolo tamen est vera inpignoracio ad lucrum usurarium capiendum.

Item si qui recusant vendere pro parata pecunia sed pocius dant ad longiora tempora propter maiorem pecuniam recipiendam.

Item si qui percusserint uel captivaverint clericos ordinatos seu religiosas personas vel eos rebus spoliaverint.

Item si qui laici receperint oblaciones sacerdotibus oblatas. Item si qui violaverint libertatem ecclesiasticam ut puta si fugientem cimeterium vel ecclesiam offenderint seu per captivitatem eduxerint. Item si qui rapuerint aliquodde ecclesia vel de dote ecclesie. Item si qui aut alias violaverint ecclesias vel cimeterium. Item si qui sunt incendarii qui domos vel orrea vel alias res aliorum incenderint vel ad hoc dederint consilium aut iuuamen. Item si qui periurium commiserint uel fuerint falsi testes. Item si qui fuerint homicide qui non satisfecerint proximis occisorum neque absolucionem obtinuerint. Item si qui viri vel mulieres per culpam suam aut negligenciam oppresserint pueros aut occasionem eorum morti dederint. Item si qui magni peccatores et mani festi penitenciam publicam agere neglexerint. Item si quis testamentum factum ad Ecclesiam vel ad alia pija loca impedierit seu neglexerit adimplere. Item si qui pacem vel treugas violaverint ordinatas. Item si qui cogerint aliquos excommunicatos absolvi vel interdictum relaxari per vim vel per metum. Item si excommunicati vel alii quibus est sepultura ecclesiastica interdicta in Ecclesia vel cimiterio sint sepulti. Item si qui falsarii litterarum vel sigillorum vel eciam monete ponderis ulne vel cuiuscunque mensure. Item si qui consules vel alii potestatem habentes statuta faciant contra clerum aut contra iura ecclesiastica. Item si qui sint beghardi uel beniguine que post et contra factam prohibicionem a domino Clemente papa quinto statum beniguarum assumpserint. Item si qui iudices uel consules requisiti neglexerint viduis et orphanis iusticiam exhibere. Item si qui sint spoliatores stratarum viduarum pauperum aut eorum oppressores. Item si qui prohibeant uel impediant causas que ad ecclesiasticum iudicium pertinent deferri et tractari coram suo iudice ecclesiastico vel querimonias coram ipso proponi.

Item si qui laici violenter sepeliverint in cimiterio vel ecclesia corpora excommunicatorum, interdictorum aut manifesto peccato decidencium. Item si qui plebizani sint suis plebanis inobedientes aut rebelles. Item si qui non celebrant festiuitates aut violaverint ieiunia ab Ecclesia precepta. Item si qui laici trahunt clericos ad iudicium seculare. Item si qui preter magnam necessitatem baptizant pueros extra Ecclesiam in priuatis domibus sive locis.

Item si qui negligant venire diebus dominicis et festiuis ad missas et ad sermonem suarum propriarum parrochiarum. Item si qui parrochiani tempore missarum uel sermonum exerceant risus uel fabulaciones inutiles. Item si sciant pater noster, ave Maria et symbolum et utrum plebani in festivitatibus predicta pronunciant per se vel per alios Polonos in Polonico Teutonicis in Teutonico. Item si qui contempnant accipere confirmacionem in fronte. Item si aliqui clerici vel laici aliqua enormia fecerint de quibus scandalum sit exhortum.

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August 6, 2018

Godoin and Peron

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Incidentally, if you look at that list of “rulers” in the Gotha Codex version of the Origo Gentis Langobardorum what we are told essentially is that the first ruler of the Langobards was Godoin which, surely, is Odin. After Godoin/Odin, there came Peron.

Note that this is a later version of the Origo where “Wotan” has been removed and replaced with “Provenance.” But it seems, perhaps, he survived the editing as a Langobard king.

Note that this also explains the Polish “Gody”, traditionally, a spring ritual but more generally and originally any holiday.

For more of the First (Odin/Yas) and Second (Wtor/Peron) see here. These names also show up in the Cosmography of Aethicus Ister.

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August 5, 2018


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What is the origin of the word Slav? The most popular suggestion has been that it is derived from “suowo” meaning “word.” The main argument for this is that the Teutons are decribed by Slavs as “Niemcy” which has been interpreted to mean the “mute ones.”

This is stupid for a number of what should be obvious reasons.

First of all, someone who does not speak your language is not a “mute” or deaf person. Any moron can see that there is a difference between a mute/deaf person and someone who can hear and talk and make sounds but does not speak your particular language.

Second, in Slavic, a mute person is either a “niemowa” (noun) or a “niemy” (adjective). Not a “Niemiec.” The plural of niemowa is niemowy. The plural of niemy is niemi. Neither plural form derived from these singulars is Niemcy.

Third, and for the above reasons, Niemcy cannot and, indeed, does not, therefore, mean “mute ones.”

Since the “mute” German counterpart to the loquacious Slav falls away so does the rest of the  house of cards built on that false pairing; starting, of course, with the suggestion that the word “Slav” is tracked back to the Slavic word for “word”, that is with słowo (pron. suovo).

However, that said, the word Niemcy may, indirectly, help explain the word Slav. To understand how you have to first answer what that word really means in Slavic.  The answer is ridiculously simple.

Niemcy may simply mean “not us” or “not we” – nie my.

Thus, the counterpoint Slav has to mean “we” or “us”.

And, unsurprisingly, there is an appropriate word for that concept in Slavic languages: swoi. This word which is pronounced “svoi” means “one’s own” or “ours.”

The Slavic word swoboda, pronounced svoboda, means “freedom.” If, as I suspect, the Herodotic Budinoi, simply meant the “people”, or “those that are” then swo-bodni would simply mean “our people” or even – notice the common IE word “be” (budet)  at the bottom here – “our buds” or “our bodies,” which can also be translated as “free” (because they are ours ourselvses and not theirs) bodies. Hence swoboda means freedom.

Swoi (pron. svoi) or swobodni (pron. svobodni) was thus the starting point. It is from those concepts that the concept of the “word” then sprung as a derivative – słowo/suovo/slovo, that is the operative linguistic/communication unit of “one’s own people.” In other words, Slavs, “our people” came first and the word for “word” came later.

That this has to be the case can be easily shown by simply pointing out that the first concept (of one’s own people) is naturally the simpler, the likely more “needed/useful” at the very base of human familial or tribal functioning, and hence the older one. The concept of a “word” as a unit of language is necessarily more “sophisticated,” more abstract, and hence a later one.

From the words for “one’s own” thus came Suavs (in the West, where the “u/v” remained preserved) and Slavs (in the East, where the “u/v” gradually became an “l” as Suavs migrated East).

I have little doubt that the Suevi – both those in Germany and those in Sweden (Svenska – there is that “word” again! – compare with Polska!) were the ancestors of western Slavs, that is Suavs (though some of these Suevi became ancestors too of some of today’s Germans, Dutch, Frenchmen, Swedes and even Britons/Irish). Similar influences also appear in some of Romance languages.

As regards, the Teutonic tongues, I think a major clue as to their provenance is found in the far eastern Tocharian which, some found this surprising, was a centum language. That is where we should look for the ancestors of Germanic (and indeed Gallic) languages whose speakers at some point in time moved northwards (notice that Herodotus’ Thyssagetae – thyssae being an indisputably Germanic word – lived NNE of the Budinoi), made their way into Scandinavia, displacing the native pre-Suiones and then kept erupting south into continental Europe in search of the riches of the Roman republic and later of the Roman empire.

Some of those Teutons:

  • became Galls (transfering their name for the Westernmost Suavs – the Armorican Veneti – to the Romans),
  • others were Goths and related peoples (transferring their name for the Easternmost Slavs – the Tacitean Veneti – to the Romans)
  • while other such motley brigands – aptly referred to as the Alemanni – took over the central lands of the Suevi, and indeed the very name eventually, much as the later German invaders appropriated the name of the Baltic Prussians who, to the extent they survived, found themselves – with the same name – but under a new management.

That the Teutons raided deep into Suavic territory is evident not just from antiquity but also from the Middle Ages. It is thus that the Slavic Polanie were conquered by the Rus and, in this case, it was the conquerors that gave the conquered their own name.

Similarly, earlier, the Suavic Winnuli were conquered by the Langobards and “became” the historic Langobards (thus, we have in the records a strange combination of different Langobardic names some of which – such as Zuchillo, Tatto, Cleb/Cleff, Lethuc, Wisigarda, Winsilan (same as Wenezlan?), Pero(n?)*, Drocton (“gente Suavus”) – may well have been Suavic). In a similar vein, the whole Langobard-“Vandal” battle could be explained as, basically, a struggle between the Langobard conquered Winnuli and the independent Winnuli or, maybe, even as a Winnuli rebellion against the Langobard newcomers. As we know, the Langobards subjugated the “Suavi” (Eo tempore inclinavit wacho suavos sub regno langobardorum). This has been interpreted as referring to the Germanic Suevi (albeit here written already as Suavi) but that is because the assumption has been that the Suavs could not possibly be the same as (just Western) Slavs. Such an assumption would explain the Slavs’ presence in Germania but would also ruin the picture of Tacitean Germania as a Scandinavian Theme Park.

* This name (as well as Winsilan) appears in the Gotha Codex (“… ante Peronem… post Peronem…”).



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August 2, 2018


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Here is the River Zaber. Way out West.

First mentioned in 793 as giving the name to the “pagus” (GauZabernahgouwe. Then we have Zabernogouui (1003), Zaberenkowe (1188), Zaberkou (1246) und, as they say, so weiter. What is the etymology of this name? It’s supposed that it comes from a hypothetical Old High German *Zaberna. This, in turn, comes from a Latin Taberna meaning an inn or, well, a tavern. A similar name is Zabern in Alsace-Lorraigne (today’s Saverne) which was reported as Zabarnam (841) but earlier, apparently, as Tres Tabernae Cesaris (4th century – Ammianus Marcellinus).

Problem solved?

Well, since we are doing so well, how about we pull in:

  • Zabernovo – near Burgas, Bulgaria
  • Zaberezh – Ukraine
  • Zabrega – Serbia
  • Zabreh – Czechia
  • Zabreznica – Slovenia
  • Zabrze – Poland
  • Zaberbach – near Bolzano, Italy (former Veneti and Suav territory)

More, generally, what sorts of names begin with a prefix Za-. This is not meant to be a trick question.

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August 1, 2018