Category Archives: Slovaks


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The following comes from the Anonymous Christian Monk‘s Vita et passio sancti Wenceslai et sanctae Ludmilae avae eius that is “The Life and Passion of Saint Wenceslaus and His Grandmother Saint Ludmilla” aka Legenda Christiani aka Kristiánova legenda. The monk claimed to be the uncle of St. Vojtech (Adalbert) which would make this work significantly older than Cosmas’ “Chronicle of the Czechs”. There isn’t much new here but since Meyer threw this in into his compilation of Suav religious sources, we give it here as well.

Chapter 2

“At vero Sclavi Boemi, ipso sub Arcturo positi, cultibus ydolatrie dediti, velut equus infrenis sine lege, sine ullo principe vel rectore vel urbe, uti bruta animalia sparsim vagantes, terram solam incolebant. Tandem pestilencie cladibus attriti, quandam phitonissam, ut fama fertur, adeunt, postulantes spiritum consilii responsumque divinacionis. Quo accepto civitatem statuunt, nomenque inponunt Pragam. Post hinc invento quodam sagacissimo atque prudentissimo viro, cui tantum agriculture officium erat, responsione phitonisse principem seu gubernatorem sibi statuunt, vocitatum cognomine Premizl, iuncta ei in matrimonio supramemorata phitonissa virgine.”

“But indeed the Bohemian Slavs, placed under Arcturus himself, devoted to idolatrous worship, like hellish horses without law, without any duke or governor or city, like brute animals roaming about scattered, inhabited the Earth alone. Finally, worn down by pestilence, they went to a certain soothsayer witch [this is a reference to Libuše, daughter of Krok], as the story goes, demanding the counsel of spirits and the answers of divination. After receiving this, they set up a city, and gave it the name Prague. Having found there a certain most shrewd and prudent man called by the name of Premizl, whose only vocation was agriculture; they set him up as a prince or governor over them and had him unite in marriage with the aforesaid soothsayer maiden.”

“Sicque a clade et multiplici peste tandem eruti, dehinc a supra memorato principe ex sobole eius rectores seu duces preposuere sibi, servientes demoniorum simulacris et prophanis sacrificiorum ritibus bachantes, donec ad extremum dominatus eiusdem regni pervenit ad unum ex eisdem principibus ortum, vocitatum Borivoi.”

“And thus finally rescued from the disaster and the manifold pestilence, thenceforth the above-mentioned prince appointed from among his sons governors or leaders, serving demon idols and profane sacrificial rites, until at last dominion of the same kingdom came to one of the same princes, called Borivoi.”

“Hic cum excellentissime forme et egregie iuventutis flore nitesceret, quodam tempore negocii sui populique sibi commissi causa ducem suum vel regem Zuentepulc Moravie adiit, a quo benigne suscipitur et ad convivium pariter cum reliquis adsciscitur. Verum sessionis ei locus inter Christicolas minime conceditur, sed ritu paganorum ante mensam pavimento iubetur insidere. Cuius presul Metudius iniurie condolens, fertur dixisse ad eum: Ve, inquit, quod tu talis tantusque haut erubescis a principalibus repelli sedibus, cum et ipse in fascibus ducatum obtineas, sed magis cupias ob nefandam ydolorum culturam cum subulcis humotenus incubare. At ille: Quid, inquit, ob huiuscemodi rem pericli pacior vel quid boni michi conferet Christianitatis ritus? Si, inquit presul Metudius, abrenunciaveris ydolis et inhabitantibus in eis demonibus, dominus dominorum tuorum efficieris, cunctique hostes tui subicientur dicioni tue et progenies tua cottidie augmentabitur velut fluvius maximus, in quo diversorum confluunt fluenta rivulorum. Et si, inquit Borivoi, res se ita habet, que mora est baptizandi? Nulla, inquit pontifex, tantum paratus esto ex integro corde credere in Deum patrem omnipotentem eiusque unigenitum, dominum nostrum Iesum Christum et in Spiritum paraclitum, illuminatorem omnium fidelium, non tantum mundialis causa substancie, verum eciam capessende salutis tue anime pro aquirenda perhennitatis gloriosa palma atque percipienda societate sanctorum ineffabili leticia.”

“[Bořivoj I of Bohemia], in the most excellent shape and in the splendid bloom of his youth, at a certain time went to his ruler Svatopluk I King of Moravia, on account of the business committed to him and his people by whom he was kindly received and he went to a banquet together with the others. But he was not allowed a place among the Christians but ordered to sit on the floor by the table according to pagan custom [similar story in the Conversion of the Carantanians]. The Bishop Methodius, sympathizing with him, is reported to have said: ‘Alas, that you sit with scum and being a man of importance you are embarassed at not being given a place at the table, [simply] because you prefer the unholy rites of idolatry.’ And he [Bořivoj] said: ‘Why would I brave the danger [of renouncing pagan rites], or what good will the rite of Christianity confer on me?’ Bishop Methodius answered: ‘If you destroy the idols and the demons that dwell in them, you will become the master of your masters, and all your enemies will be subject to your rule, and your descendants will multiply daily like a great river in which the streams of different streams converge.’ To which Bořivoj answered ‘If, this be so, what [then] prevents me from being baptized?’ ‘Nothing at all’ said the bishop. ‘Be ready only to believe with all your heart in God the Almighty Father and His only begotten, our Lord Jesus Christ and [too] in the Holy Spirit, the enlightener of all the faithful, and not as exchange for [earthly] things but rather to achieve the salvation of your soul, to acquire the glorious palm of eternity and to perceive the company of the saints in an ineffable joy.'”

“Populum cunctum Boemorum in furorem principis accendit, eo quod paternos mores relinqueret et novam atque inauditam sanctitatis legem Christianorum arriperet. Surgunt adversus eum uno animo eademque sentencia suisque eum a finibus perturbare conantur, seu eciam vitam auferre moliuntur. Quo agnito princeps sese ab eis removit rursusque regem zuentepulc seu pontificem Metudium Moravie repetivit.”

“The Czechs believed that he [Bořivoj I of Bohemia] abandoned the old customs of [their] fathers and accepted the unknown customs of Christainity so they rioted against him, […] and hounded him abroad and even intended to kill him; and thus, [when] the prince learned [about it], he left them and returned to the king Świętopełk, or Bishop Methodius in Moravia.”

From chapter 5

Chapter 6

“Quia vero radicitus necdum avulsi fuerant paganorum supersticiosi ritus, dum plurimi ad immolandum demoniis nefanda properarent sacrificia, cibisque ex ipsis potibusque simul inquinarentur, verum in cunctis se subtraxit, occasione facta qualibet. Carceres destruxit, patibula suppliciaque, que usque adhuc inerant ad excruciandos homines, funditus sua pietate evulsit fanaque profanorum terre coequavit.”

“But because the superstitious rites of the pagans had not yet been rooted out, while many hurried to perform evil sacrifices to demons, and their food and drink were polluted at the same time, he [Saint Wenceslaus] himself was never defiled by following these, but he withdrew himself from all, on every occasion. He destroyed the prisons, the gallows, [ended?] the executions, which up to this time had been used to torture men, completely uprooted by his piety, and razed the profane to the ground.”

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August 9, 2023

On Homiliarium quod dicitur de Opatoviz (Part II)

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We return to the Homiliarium quod dicitur de Opatoviz with the benefit of the Juan Antonio Álvarez-Pedrosa, Julia Mendoza Tuñón and Sandra Romano Martín translation (again, mostly kept as is except where something would read better or where they chose not to translate a few lines otherwise found in Meyer).

For the first part see here.

I, 84 Deum solum colendum (fol. 136r–137r)

Of One God That Should be Worshipped

Each man will on judgment day have to account for his deeds and will be judged for his actions for which he deserved a reward. Therefore, the lies that the devil teaches people – to their own damnation – 

“Given that each person will have to answer for their own deeds on judgment day and shall be repaid for their deeds and receive an appropriate reward, that is, everlasting torment for the wicked, bliss and everlasting glory for the righteous, it is essential to reject the falsehood taught by the devil with his veneration of idols for the purpose of misleading men, and believe in the one true God and confess His holy name forever. Any other thing which men worship instead of God, with the aid of the seduction of the devil, they do so for their own perdition, for they do not realize nor reconsider that those same gods which they worship are incapable of providing them with anything good or of use and can neither give nor take away even a piece of straw.”

Quoniam de suis actibus puisque in die iudicii redditurus est racionem et accepturus est pro operibus suis, quale hic premium promeretur, sive pro mails supplicium infinitum, sive pro bonis beatitudinem et gloriam sempiternam, ideoque falsitatem, quam diabolus ad perdendos semet ipsos homines in idolorum cultibus docet, respuere omnino necesse est et unum verum deum credere et confiteri nomen eius sanctum in secula. […] Alia vero quecunque pro deo homines colunt fallaente et seducente diabolo, ad suam quique perniciem faciunt, quia non perpendunt nec recogitant, quod ipsi dii, quos colunt, nihil eis boni nihilque utilitatis adhibere valent, nec unam parvissimam stipulam cuiiquam dare vel adimere possunt.

I, 85 Item unde supra deum colendum (fol. 138r–138v)

Some More on the One God To Be Worshipped

“Therefore, let not our faith be in this, let us not worship nor believe in any other creature in place of God. Let not our faith be in any phantasmagoria; for any truth is better than all of the things that can derive from human opinion. Not even the human soul, which is the soul of truth, should we worship when it conjures false things. Neither should we worship angels nor men nor any creature as if it were God. Let not the product of human works form part of our religion, for though the makers of such things excel, we should not worship them in place of God. Neither should we on any account perform sacrifices to any animal, nor to the trees, nor to the springs, for such things provoke the wrath of God. Thus, let us take care that the worship of the dead does not enter our religion; for if they led just lives, they do not seek such honors but rather wish us to worship Him whom they themselves worshipped and by whose grace they did all the good things they did and wish us to participate in their virtue. Therefore, let them be honored by imitation and not worshipped as a religious duty. The cult of demons does not form part of our religion, for all superstition is the damnation of men and a dangerous straying from the path, for their [the demons’] purpose is to lead them to everlasting torment. We venerate the true God, in which sole God we believe, whom we serve and from whom we will learn the eternal reward.”

Ideoque non sit fides nostra in eo, ut aliquam creaturam pro deo colamus aut credamus; non sit fides nostra in aliquo fantasmate, melius est enim qualecunque verum, quam omne quicquid pro arbitrio surgi potest. Et tamen ipsam animam hominis, que vere anima est, cum falsa imaginatur, colere non debemus. Et ideo non angelos, non homines, nullam utique creaturam colere vel pro deo credere debemus. Et ideo non sit nobis religio humanorum operum cultus; meliores enim sunt artifices, qui talia faciant, quamvis nec eos pro deo colere debemus, ac nequaquam bestiam aliquam, non ad arbores, non ad fontes sacrificia ullo modo facere, quia talibus causis ad iracundiam deus provocetur. Quamobrem caveamus, ut non sit nobis religio cultus hominum mortuorum; quia si pie vixerunt, non tamen tales querant honores, sed illum a nobis coli volunt, quem ipsi colebant et cuius gracia operati sunt, quecunque bona fecerunt, nosque eorum meritis desiderant esse consortes, honorandi ergo sunt propter imitacionem, non adorandi propter religionem. Non sit nobis religio cultus demonum, quia omnis supersticio, cum sit magna poena hominum et periculosissima turpitudo, tamen finis illorum ad eternum tendit supplicium. Nos vero deum verum colamus, cumque deum solum credamus, eique serviamus, qui ab eo eterna premia percipiemus.

I, 104 Ammonicio sive predicacio sancti Bonifacii episcopi de abrenunciacione baptismatis (fol. 171r–171v)

Admonition or the Sermon of Bishop Saint Boniface About the Acceptance of Baptism

“Listen brothers and think through carefully what it is that you accept through [your] baptism. You renounce the devil and all his works and all his depravities. What then are the works of the devil? The following: pride, idolatry, envy, hatred, defamation, lies, perjury, fornication, adultery, any kind of promiscuity, murder, robbery, false testimony, rapine, avarice, gluttony, drunkenness, blasphemy, disputes, anger, poisoning, enchantments, the consulting of oracles, belief in witches and werewolves, the performing of abortions, being disobedient to your lords, the use of amulets.”

Audite, fratres, et adtencius cogitetis, quid in baptismo renunciastis. Abrenunciastis diabolum et omnibus operibus eius et omnibus pompis eius. Quid sunt ergo opera diaboli? Hec sunt superbia, idolatria, invidia, odium, detraccio, mendacium, periurium, fornicacio, adulterium, omnis pollucio, homicidium, furta, falsum testimonium, rapina, avaricia, gula, ebrietas, turpiloquium, contenciones, ira, veneficia, incantaciones et sortilegos exquirere, strigas et fictos lupos credere, abortum facere, dominis inobedientes esse, filacteria habere.

I, 122 Sermo de christianitate vel de operibus bonis (fol. 208v–209r)

A Sermon on Christianity and Good Deeds

“Let nobody worship idols nor drink or eat that which is sacrificed to idols. persuaded to do so by their gluttony. Whosoever commits this sin and receives not a just penance, shall be forever damned. He who has been baptized must avoid profane things; nor resort to nor hurry to consult any wizard, (herbalist) or seer or sorcerer on any matter, borne by a sacrilegious pleasure. Let nobody hang an amulet or magic binding, for should any person commit this sin and not receive his penance, he shall lose the grace of the sacrament of baptism.”

Nullus idola adoret, vel que idolis immolantur, gula suadente bibat aut manducet. Qui hoc malum fecerit, nisi digna penitencia subvenerit, peribit in eternum. Qui baptizatus est, debet profana vitare, nullos carios, (herbarios vel imprecarios) aut divinos aut precantatores sacrilega voluptate de qualibet infirmitate adhibeat aut interrogare presumat. Nullus filacteria aut ligaturas sibi aliquas adpendat, quia quicumque fecerit hoc malum, si non penitencia subvenerit, perdet baptismi sacramentum.


“Therefore, whosoever by means of wizards and seers or sorcerers and devilish amulets kills his soul, through the prayer of the priests or the alms in the churches can heal his soul and his flesh: because the illness of the body is related to that of the heart, for God punishes in this world those whom he loves.”

Quare ergo per carios (per erbarios) et divinos (et per imprecarios), per cantores (per incantatores) et filacteria diabolica occidit animam suam, qui per oracionem sacerdotum vel elemosinam aecclesiarum potest sanare animam et carnem suam.

I, 131 Sermo ad populum (fol. 225r–225v)

A Sermon For the People

The priests warn the people in every way possible that in the event of animals dying of plague, of an illness or of any other misfortune, not to seek the aid of wicked men or women or of seers, witches, sorcerers, false scriptures, trees, springs or of any other thing but of God, of his saints and of the Holy Mother Church and, in the event of illness, that of Christian doctors, without using spells; whosoever does otherwise, let him perform a pure penance and confession and not do the same thing again; be vigilant in order to eradicate this mistaken custom of laypeople when they go to a feast, and say to the priests or the clergy: allow me to eat meat today and sing a mass for me or many psalms and they wish not to perform the penance ordered. Let the priests for this reason not sing masses for them but teach them to live in a sober and pious manner and to constantly think how to reduce their sins.” 

Presbiteri per omnia populumh ammoneant non pro mortalitate animalium, non pro pestilencia, non pro infirmitate aliqua neque pro variis aliis evenientibus ad malos viros aut feminas aut ad auguratrices aut ad maleficas aut incantatores aut falsas scripturas aut ad arbores vel ad fontes aut alicubi nisi ad deum et sanctos eius et ad sanctam matrem ecclesiam dei auxilia querere, nisi ad medicos fideles adiutoria pro infirmitatibus variis sine incantacione; et quisquis hoc fecisset, puram inde agat penitenciam et confessionem. Et de cetero, ne amplius faciet, caveat, ut prava consuetudo auferatur, quod laici faciunt, cum ad convivium veniunt, clamant ad presbiteros seu ad clericos: Iube me hodie carnem manducare et canta mihi unam missam vel psalmos tantos et nolunt datam penitenciam observare. Presbiteri illis eo modo mossas non cantent, sed doceant eos sobrie, pie vivere et pro peccatis suis minuendis iugiter cogitare.

I, 135, 3 De muliere, que cum duobus fratribus fornicata est (fol. 232r–233v)

About a Woman Who Committed Adultery With Two Brothers

“Should a nun fornicate with another nun by means of witchcraft, she shall do penance for six years. Should a woman fornicate with another woman, she shall do penance for three years. Let her do the same penance if she mixes a man’s semen with her food in order to receive his love.”

Si sanctimonialis cum alia sanctimoniali per aliquod machinamentum fornicate fuerint sex annos peniteant. Mulier si cum muliere fornicata fuerit annos tres peniteant.

I, 135, 4 De eadem re (fol. 233v)

On the Same Matter

“Should anyone, whether to fulfill a lewd desire or out of hatred of the fact that he shall have offspring, give a man or a woman a filter to dirnk so that he or she may not beget or conceive, let that person be adjudged a murderer.”

Si aliquis causa explende libidinis vel odii meditatione, ut ex eo soboles nascantur hominum vel ad potandum dederit, ut non posses generare aut concipere, ut homicida teneatur.

I, 135, 5 De viciis gule et ebrietatis (fol. 237v)

The Vices of Gluttony and Drunkenness

“The woman who takes the blood of her husband as remedy, let her do penance for forty days. If she takes her husband’s semen, let her do three years of penance.”

Uxor, que sanguinem viri pro remedio gustaverit, quadraginta dies peniteat. Sic et illa, que semen viri sui accipiat, tres annos peniteat.

I, 135, 7 De operibus die dominico (fol. 242v)

Regarding the Works on God’s Day

“And nothing should be read or sung in church except that is dedicated to the authority of God or of the church fathers, and let not there be worship of false angels but only those taught in the writings of the prophets and the Gospels, that is Michael, Gabriel, Raphael…” 

Ut aliud in ecclesia non legatur aut cantetur nisi ea, que auctoritatis divine sunt et patrum orthodoxorum sanxit auctoritas, nec falsa angelorum nomina colant, sed ea tantum, que prophetica et evangelica docet scriptura, id est Michael, Gabriel, Raphael […].

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March 24, 2021

Łada Placenames in Central & Eastern Europe

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Just as the name Jasień is present in many town and river designations in Poland and vicinity so is Łada. Dlugosz spoke of a village named Łada and we’ve identified such a village already but there are more such place and water names. The following comes from various sources supplemented by the “Geographic Dictionary of the Polish Kingdom and Other Suavic Countries” (Słownik geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego i innych krajów słowiańskich).

Here is a list of some of those in and around Poland.


Łada – a village in the Lublin voivodeship. The river Łada runs through it. First mentioned in 1245 during the invasion of Ruthenian dukes of the “Lachic land” when Duke Wasilko raided the Łada and Dzwola areas. In the 14th century it was a royal village (that is it belonged to the crown). In 1377 it somehow came into the possession of Dmitri of Goraj (the royal treasurer) and then his nephews. The Lublin voivode  Mikołaj Firlej bought the village in 1508. In 1517 it was sold to Wiktoryn Sienieński who then donated it to the Gorka family. At the end of the 16th century it was bought by Jan Zamojski. The village suffered during the Napoleonic wars. It was partly repopulated by Uniates. In WWII most of Łada burnt down during a German air raid.

Łady – a village in the Mazovian voivodeship.

Ładawy – a village in the Łódź Voivodeship.

Ładowska-Wola – a village in the Mazovian voivodeship.

Ładzice – a village in Radomsko County, Łódź Voivodeship.

Ladzin (Ładzin) – a village in the Subcarpathian Voivodeship.

Ładzyń – a village in the Mazovian Voivodeship.

Ladorudz – a village in the Greater Poland Voivodeship.

Ładomierz – a former village near Wielun.

Lada – a village in Slovakia

Ladomirowa – a village in Slovakia.

Ladce – a village in Slovakia.

Ladygos (Ładogole) – a village near Vinius.

Ładyżyn – a village in Lithuania near Lazdijai.

Ładowszczyzna – formerly a private village near the town of Lida, Belarus.

Ladeniki (Ładzienniki) – a village in Belarus.

Ładonicha – a place in Дзісна region in Belarus.

Ladorozh (Ładoroże) – a village in Belarus on the Ukrainian border.

Malye Lyady (Lady) – ancient town and goods near Smilavichy in Belarus (part of former Červień or Chervyen (Чэрвень) fka Igumen (Ігумен) district.

Ladasna (Ladosno, Ładosno) – village in Belarus.

Ladyzhin – a town in Belarus.

Ładyżycze – a town in Belarus on the Braginka (Brahinka) river; today in the Chernobyl exclusion zone.

Lyady (Łady) – a village on the Belarussian – Russian border, east of Orsha (incidentally just West of the Russian Yasenets).

Lyadovichi (Ladowicze) – a village near Kobryn in Belarus.

Ladantsi (Ладанці, Ładańce) – Ukrainian village near Lviv.

Ladychyn (Лади́чинŁadyczyn) – a village in Ukraine near Ternopil.

Ladyzhyn (Ладижин, Ładyżyn) – a town in Ukraine.

Ladyzhynka – a town in Ukraine.

Liadova/Lyadova – Ukrainian village on the border with Moldova on the river Liadova (presumably meaning “icy”).

Ladendorf – A village in Austria.

For a Liedena in Spain – rather curious next to Yesa – see here.


Biala Łada  (White Łada) – starts northwards around the town of Chrzanów, heads south past the village Łada towards, then through Bilgoraj and merges with the Czarna Łada at Sol or so to form Łada.

Czarna Łada (Black Łada)- starts at Dabrowa/Gorecko Koscielne, then heads west towards Bilgoraj where it merges with the Biala Łada to form Łada.

Łada – the combined Łada has a short run west into the River Tanew.

Ladosnianka (Ładośnianka) – river near Lepel/Niemirava/Ladosno in Belarus.

Ladantsi (Ладанці, Ładańce) – Ukrainian stream near the village of Ladantsi. Flows into the Marushka river.

Liadova/Lyadova – river in Ukraine. Flows through village Liadova/Lyadova.

What about Germany? Well, there is the river:

Leda – the river Leda is in NW Germany and, of course, has an “e” not an “a” but its old name was shown with an “a” as in: fluuium Ladeflumen Lathe, Lathamuthon. The below etymology of Greule’s is rather improbable.


Ladowa Niwa – a hill near Łukawiec (ЛукавецьLukavets’), Subcarpathian Voivodeship. Łukawiec itself was founded already in the 16th century.

Here is a map of the above.

Of course these are only some such names and there are many others such as several place names Łady near the Belarussian Dzisna (Дзісна), Ładycza, Ladzyny, Ladźwienie, Ladce, Ladniki, Ladna, Ladki, Ladendorf, Ladenberg, Ladeskul, Ladce & others. You could also look elsewhere such as at Ladenburg (remember Imple o Lada from the Rhine province).

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February 1, 2020

On Homiliarium quod dicitur de Opatoviz (Part I)

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The famous Homiliarium quod dicitur de Opatoviz serves as a fascinating listing of Czech, Moravian & Slovak pagan practices and superstitions and found its way into Karl Meyer’s list of Latin & Greek sources on Suavic paganism. The translation (in this case Czech) of this document was most recently published by Jiří Dynda. The Homiliarium is a long document so here is just the initial part.

I, 5 Alia [In natali] (fol. 6r–6v)

Other Matters [On the birth of the Lord]

“All the generations of man have been tarnished by him [that is the first man Adam] with countless sins and especially the worship of idols. For they had forgotten their Lord Creator. Some worshipped the Sun, the Moon and the stars, and others rivers and fire, yet others mountains and rivers, even as so many pagans do till this day. And many still in this land of ours  worship demons and they are only called Christians [in name] and are worse than pagans. But because God wished to end and destroy all these errors and delusions in this land, he established law, sent prophets to turn the people away from these sins, created wonders and signs in the heavens and on Earth and he punished them [the people] with countless scourges, hunger and pestilence.”

Omne statim genus humanum ab illo [primo hominum Adam] innumerabilibus iniquitatibus inquinatum est et maxime in idolorum cultura, quia obliviscentes domini sui creatoris, alii solem et lunam et sidera colebant, alii flumina et ignes alii montes et arbores, sicut et adhuc pagani multi faciunt et plurimi et iam in hac terra nostra adorant demonia et tantummodo christianum nomen habentes, peiores sunt quam pagani. Volens autem deus hoc peccatum et hos omnes errores terminare ac delere de terra, primo costituti hominibus legem, prophetas misit, qui eos averterent ab iniquitatibus suis, fecit signa et miracula de celo et terra et innumerabilibus flagellis eos castigavit, fame et pestilencia.

I, 30 Sancti Wencezlai (fol. 41v-42r)

On the Day of Saint Wenzeslaus

“We admonish all Christians… to keep their priests in reverence, to faithfully serve their princes and lords, and not to place trust in [drawing] lots and [drawing] characters, but to put all their hope in the Lord.”

Omnes simul christianos ammoneamus, ut […] sacerdotibus suis honorem impendant, suis principibus et suis dominis fideliter serviant, sortes et caracteres pro nichilo ducant, sed omnem spem suam in domino ponant.

I, 31 De sacerdotibus (fol. 45r)

On the Priests

“Forbid the signing and female dancing in the vicinity of the church. Do not permit the devil’s songs that the folk used to sing in the hours of the night over the dead and the laughter that such folk [utter] in challenge to the Almighty God.”

Cantus et mulierum choros in atrio ecclesie prohibete. Carmina diabolica, que super mortuos nocturnis horis vulgus facere solet, et cahinnos, quos exercet in contestacione dei omnipotentis, vetate.

I, 52 [Religio Christiana] (fol. 83v–84r)

[On the Christian Religion]

“And as each of you knows, everyone should celebrate the year’s holy days with due reverence for the glory of God and his Saints and should go to church more often. And when he goes there [to the church], he should humbly pray to God and [should] not make jokes and empty [gesture] chants. Let no one dare to cover up the incantations, witchcraft and all these strange things and those who you discover doing such things, you should report either to us or to your priest. Let these people be set right for the law says of them: ‘you will not leave the witches alive for they not only hurt themselves but also many others. If it becomes known to you that unclean marriages had taken place [where you live], do not let these be covered up but tell of them so that we can correct those [and so that] others do not fall into them. And those women who collect poisons or kill their unborn children or of whom it is said that they can cause hail, expose them by all means, bring them into the open and let them do penance. Whatever the people who had been lured and deceived by the devil worship as God, they do this towards their own destruction for they do not understand that what they do is neither good nor useful nor beneficial for them nor can it help them. Therefore, let them be punished by torments not only those whom the devil teaches with all their companions but all who are capable of of evil and little faith and who deceive through evil deeds.”

Dies quoque festos in anno propter reverenciam dei et sanctorum eius noverit se unus quisque cum honore debito celebrare debere et ad ecclesias frequencius venire et cum ibi veniet, oret deum suppliciter et ioca et cantaciones inanes ibi nullo modo quis faciat, incantaciones et maleficia omnes omni novitate et eos, quos talia nostis colere, nullus ex vobis celare audeat, sed aut nobis eos dicat, aut presbitero suo, ut ad emendacionem provocentur, quia lex dicit de eis: Maleficos non paciaris vivere, qui non solum sibi, sed et multis aliis nocent. Incestas nupcias, ubicunque scitis inter vos fieri, nolite illas celare, sed dicite eas, ut tales corrigantur, ne multis sint in ruinam delicti. Illas vero feminas, que venenum congerunt sive partus suos necant, vel que dicuntur grandinem excitare posse, modis omnibus manifestate, ut publice arguantur, et aliquando possint pervenire ad satisfactionem. Quemcunque vero pro deo homines colunt falente et seducente diabolo, ad suam quippe perniciem faciunt, quia non perpendunt, quod ipsi, quos colunt, nihil eis boni neque utilitatis prestare valent nec tollere. Ideo eos diabolus credere docet, ne solus cum suis sociis puniatur in supplicio, sed omnes, quos valet malis artibus, incredulitate et in malo opere studet decipere.

I, 79 Omelia de diversis tribulationibus (fol. 129v)

A Sermon About Various Tribulations

“It is especially through the lack of faith, the source of all evil, that the devil tries to tempt us towards [our] fall, so much so that many Christians, we are not happy to admit this, [he] persuades [to act] as soothsayers and enchanters and to deny the Christian faith. And because he knows that all Christians are born again through baptism into an eternal life, he convinces some bad women, but also men, to refuse baptism so that they should not receive the life and glory which he himself is denied so that they, like him are sent towards eternal death and eternal suffering.”

Nos maxime in infidelitate, unde omne malum in nos diabolus potissimum conatur iniere, in tantum, ut multos etiam christianos, auguria et incantationes, multa etiam, quod coacte [invite] dicimus, fidem christianam negare persuadet. Et unde omnis scit cristianos ad vitam renasci perpetuam per baptismum, quasdam feminas iniquas seu etiam viros denegate suadet, non ut vitam aut gloriam, unde ipse exors est, tribuet, sed ut ad eternam mortem ad eternaque supplicia in talibus sibi consentientes pertrahat.


(fol. 129r–130v)

“Indeed, it is necessary to maintain the true faith against faithlessness not only with words but also with demonstrate the faith through deeds. Threrefore, [people who engage in] witchcraft of all sorts, chants, sacrilege and refusal of the faith and baptism may – by the grace of the Almighty God and the prayers of the saintly and righteous people – earn forgiveness, mercy and proper remediation through unwavering repentance, through constant confession to God and priests and through good works.”

Nam contra infidelitatem tenere necesse est veram fidem, non solum verbis, sed etiam factis signa fidei demonstrare. Maleficie autem genera omnia et incantaciones et sacrilegia vel denegatio fidei atque baptismi cum misericordia dei omnipotentis et sanctorum atque iustorum hominum oracione cum poenitencia perseverante et confessione incessante deo et sacerdotibus et indulgenciam ac veniam cum instancia bonorum operum et emendacionem condignam possunt promereri.

For the continuation see here.

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December 29, 2019

Jasiels, Jasieńs, Jasions Gallore

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We have talked about the various Iasions throughout Polish history and their connections to antiquity. But what about geography? As mentioned there may be an occasional Piorunowo, Strzybogi or even Swarozyn. Are these town names former worship places? Maybe or maybe not. But what about Jasion? A quick search of the map reveals a huge number of Jasion and related names that dwarfs any of the above. Are these all places owned by a “Jan” or places where the ash tree (jesion) grew aplenty? Or is there a more mystical reason for this topography?

These names along with few (I did not do a review outside of Poland) from Ukraine and Germany are on the map below (in red). The mountain peaks are also listed (in green)

There are also rivers and lakes (in blue) though I only included a few of those items in the list below.

All of this is far from complete and there are many more similar names if you are willing to spend time pouring over the map. 


  • Jasiel – near Slovakian border
  • Jasienica – (German Jasenitz, then Jasienice) part of Police, a town in Pomerania
    • site of the Jasenitz abbey
    • first mentioned: 1260 but village likely founded much earlier
    • Nowa Jasienica – a village next to Jasienica (Police)
  • Jasienica – a village in the administrative district of gmina Ziebice, within Zabkowice Slaskie County, Lower Silesian Voivodeship (south-west) (German Heinzendorf since?)
  • Jasienica – a village in the administrative district of gmina Dubienka, within Chelm County, Lublin Voivodeship (east)Jasienica – a village and seat of gmina Jasienica, Bielsko County, Silesian Voivodelship (south)
    • first mentioned circa 1305 in Liber foundations episcopates Vratislaviensis as “item in Gessenita decent ease XI) mansi solubiles” (German Heinzendorf, Czech Jasenice)
  • Jasienica – a village in the administrative district of gmina Myslenice, within Myslenice County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship (south)
    • after 1335, probably named after the river Jasieniczanka that flows through the village
  • Jasienica – a village in the administrative district of gmina Łoniów, within Sandomierz County, Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship, (south-central)
  • Jasienica – a village in the administrative district of gmina Ostrow Mazowiecka, within Ostrow Mazowiecka County, Masovian Woivodeship (east-central)
    • also nearby Jasienica-Parcele
  • Jasienica – a village in the administrative district of gmina Tłuszcz, within Wolomin County, Masovian Voivodeship (east-central)
    • first mentioned: in 1414
    • names used: Jassenicza, Jassyenyecz, Jassyenicza, Jaszenicza, Jaszenecz, Jasiennica, Jasszenicza, Jassyeniecz, Jaschenyecz, Jasyenyecz, Jassenycza, Jaschyenycze, Jasyenycza, Yassyennycza (Slownik historyczno-geograficzny ziem polskich w sredniowieczu)
  • Jasienica (German Jessnitz) – a village in the administrative district of gmina Brody, within Żary County, Lubusz Voivodeship (western)
    • first mentioned: in 1452 as Jessenitz
  • Jasienica Rosielna – a village in Brzozow County, Subcarpathian Voivodeship (south-east)
    • was called just Jasienica and was a town as early as 1727
  • Jasienica Dolna – a village near near Nysa
  • Jasienica Gorna – a village near near Nysa on the Czech border
  • Jasienica Sufczynska – a village near near Przemysl
  • Jasienie (Geman Jaschine but the obvious Suavic name made the Nazis change it to Eschenwalde – which just means ash forest)
    • first mentioned: in the Liber foundations episcopates Vratislaviensis as “Cossine solvitur decima more polonico”  “combined with “Lippe Cossine
  • Jasienna – village in the administrative district of gmina Korzenna within Nowy Sacz County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship (south)
    • first mentioned: in 1372
  • Jasiennik Stary – southwest of Biłgoraj
  • Jasień (Cashubian Nënczi or Nënkòwë, German Nenkau) – an administrative part of Gdańsk; previously a separate village;
    • previously Nenkowe village which, however, was then acquired by a certain Jasiński a judge who bought the village in 1704
  • Jasień (German: Lichtenbach) – a village in the administrative district of gmina Tłuchowo, within Lipno County, Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship (north-central)
  • Jasień (German: Gassen) – a town in Poland, within Żary County, Lubusz Voivodeship (west)
    • gmina seat
  • Jasień (German: Jassen; Kashubian Jaséń) – a village in the administrative district of gmina Czarna Dąbrówka, within Bytów County, Pomeranian Voivodeship (northern)
    • lies on Lake Jasień
  • Jasień – a village in the administrative district of gmina Rogów, within Brzeziny County, Łódź Voivodeship (central)
  • Jasień – a village in the administrative district of gmina Kobiele Wielkie, within Radomsko County, Łódź Voivodeship (central)
    • next to Jasień state park
  • Jasień – a village in the administrative district of gmina Głuchów, within Skierniewice County, Łódź Voivodeship (central)
    • near Rawa Mazowiecka
  • Jasień  is a village in the administrative district of gmina Lubochnia, within Tomaszów Mazowiecki County, Łódź Voivodeship (central)
    • nearby also Nowy Jasień
  • Jasień – a village in the administrative district of gmina Osjaków, within Wieluń County, Łódź Voivodeship (central)
  • Jasień – a village in the administrative district of gmina Brzesko, within Brzesko County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship (southern)
  • Jasień – a village in the administrative district of gmina Chmielnik, within Kielce County, Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship (south-central)
  • Jasień – a village in the administrative district of gmina Łopuszno, within Kielce County, Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship (south-central)
  • Jasień – is a village in the administrative district of gmina Staszów, within Staszów County, Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship (south-central)
  • Jasień – a village in the administrative district of gmina Repki, within Sokołów County, Masovian Voivodeship (east-central)
  • Jasień (German: Jasin) – a village in the administrative district of gmina Czempiń, within Kościan County, Greater Poland Voivodeship (west-central)
  • Jasień – a hamlet part of the village Czarna Sędziszowska in the administrative district of gmina Sędziszów Małopolski, within Ropczyce-Sędziszów County, Subcarpathian Voivodeship (south-eastern)
    • also nearby Mały Jasień
  • Jasień – a part of the town Ustrzyki Dolne
  • Jasieniec – a town and a gmina seat near Grojec
  • Jasieniec Iłżecki Górny – between Ostrowiec and Radom
    • Jasieniec Iłżecki Dolny
    • Nowy Jasieniec Iłżecki
    • Jasieniec Nowy
    • Gajówka Jasieniec
    • Jasieniec-Maziarze
  • Jasieniec Solecki – a village near near Zwoleń
    • Jasieniec Kolonia
  • Jasion – a village in the administrative district of gmina Żarnów, within Opoczno County, Łódź Voivodeship (central)
  • Jasionka – a village in the administrative district of gmina Trzebownisko, within Rzeszów County, Subcarpathian Voivodeship (southeast)
  • Jasionka – a part of the village Krzywa in the administrative district of gmina Sękowa, within Gorlice County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship (south)
  • Jasionka – a village in the administrative district of gmina Zgierz, within Zgierz County, Łódź Voivodeship (central)
    • first mentioned: 1396
  • Jasionka – a village in the administrative district of gmina Parczew, within Parczew County, Lublin Voivodeship (eastern)
    • first mentioned: 19th century
  • Jasionka – a village in the administrative district of gmina Zbuczyn, within Siedlce County, Masovian Voivodeship (east central)
  • Jasionka (German: Jassonke and Neu Jassonke) – settlement in the administrative district of gmina Kołczygłowy, within Bytów County, Pomeranian Voivodeship (north)
    • first mentioned: at least 1749
    • nearby also Nowa Jasionka
  • Jasionka (Ukrainian: Ясінка, Yasinka) – a village in the administrative district of gmina Dukla, within Krosno County, Subcarpathian Voivodeship (southeast)
    • first mentioned: 14th century
    • other: through the village runs the river Jasionka a tributary of Jasiołka.
  • Jasionka – a part of the village Skórka in the administrative district of gmina Parzęczew, within Zgierz County, Łódź Voivodeship (central)
  • Jasionka – a part of the village Blizne in the administrative district of gmina Jasienica Rosielna, within Brzozów County, Subcarpathian Voivodeship (southeast)
  • Jasionka – a part of the village Krzątka in the administrative district of gmina Majdan Królewski, Kolbuszowa County, Subcarpathian Voivodeship (southeast)
  • Jasionka –  a part of the village Krzewata in the administrative district of gmina Olszówka, Koło County, Greater Poland Voivodeship (west-central)
  • Jasionna – a village in the administrative district of gmina Piątek, within Łęczyca County, Łódź Voivodeship (central)
  • Jasionna – a village in the administrative district of gmina Błaszki, within Sieradz County, Łódź Voivodeship (central)
  • Jasionna – a village in the administrative district of gmina Bolimów, within Skierniewice County, Łódź Voivodeship (central)
  • Jasionna – a village in the administrative district of gmina Głowno, within Zgierz County, Łódź Voivodeship (central)
  • Jasionna – a village in the administrative district of gmina Jędrzejów, within Jędrzejów County, Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship (south-central)
  • Jasionna – a village in the administrative district of gmina Białobrzegi, within Białobrzegi County, Masovian Voivodeship (east-central)
  • Jasionna – a village in the administrative district of gmina Wronki, within Szamotuły County, Greater Poland Voivodeship (west-central)
  • Jasionna (German: Jessen) – a village in the administrative district of gmina Jasień, within Żary County, Lubusz Voivodeship (western)
  • Jasionno – a village near near Elblag
  • Jasionowo – a village in the administrative district of gmina Lipsk, within Augustów County, Podlaskie Voivodeship (north-eastern)
  • Jasionowo – a village in the administrative district of gmina Rutka-Tartak, within Suwałki County, Podlaskie Voivodeship (north-eastern)
  • Jasionowo – a village in the administrative district of gmina Szypliszki, within Suwałki County, Podlaskie Voivodeship (north-eastern)
  • Jasionowo – a village in the administrative district of gmina Sztabin, within Suwałki County, Podlaskie Voivodeship (north-eastern)
  • Jasionowo Dębowskie – a village in the administrative district of gmina Sztabin, within Suwałki County, Podlaskie Voivodeship (north-eastern)
  • Jasionów – (Ukrainian: Ясенів, Yaseniv) – a village in the administrative district of gmina Haczów, within Brzozów County, Subcarpathian Voivodeship (south-eastern)
  • Jasionów (German: Jeßmenau) – a village in the administrative district of gmina Trzebiel, within Żary County, Lubusz Voivodeship (western)
  • Jasionów – a part of the village Huta Poręby in the administrative district of gmina Nozdrzec, within Brzozów County, Subcarpathian Voivodeship (southeast)
  • Jasionów – a hamlet of the village Olszówka in the administrative district of gmina Mszana Dolna, within Limanowa County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship (south)
  • Jasło – (German: Jassel) – a county seat in the Subcarpathian Voivodeship (southeast)
  • Jastew – a village in the administrative district of gmina Dębno, within Brzesko County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship (southern)
  • Jaświły – a village in Mońki County, Podlaskie Voivodeship (north-east)
    • it is the seat of the gmina Jaświły
  • Jesienicha – a settlement in the administrative district of gmina Czarna Białostocka, within Białystok County, Podlaskie Voivodeship (north-eastern)
  • Jesiona – a village  in the administrative district of gmina Kolsko, within Nowa Sól County, Lubusz Voivodeship (western
  • Jesionka – a part of the village Jesiona in the administrative district of gmina Kolsko, within Nowa Sól County, Lubusz Voivodeship (western)
  • Jesionka – a part of the village Szczecin in the administrative district of gmina Dmosin, within Brzezin County, Łódź Voivodeship (central)
  • Jesionka – a colony in the administrative district of gmina Ciechocin, within Golub-Dobrzyń County, Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship (north-central)
  • Jesionka – a hamlet part of the village Nowa Wieś Szlachecka in the administrative district of gmina Czernichów within Kraków County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship (south)
  • Jesionka – a village in the administrative district of gmina Szczawin Kościelny, within Gostynin County, Masovian Voivodeship (east-central)
  • Jesionka – a village in the administrative district of gmina Baboszewo, within Płońsk County, Masovian Voivodeship (east-central)
  • Jesionka – a village in the administrative district of gmina Wiskitki, within Żyrardów County, Masovian Voivodeship (east-central)
  • Jesionka – a village in the administrative district of gmina Czosnów, within Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki County, Masovian Voivodeship (east-central)
  • Jesionka –  a village in the administrative district of gmina Sompolno, within Konin County, Greater Poland Voivodeship (west-central)
  • Jesionka –  a part of the village Sołtysy in the administrative district of gmina Praszka, within Olesno County, Opole Voivodeship (south-western)
  • Jesionka – a settlement in the administrative district of gmina Czerwionka-Leszczyny, within Rybnik County, Silesian Voivodeship (south)
  • Jesionna – a village in the administrative district of gmina Wodzierady, within Łask County, Łódź Voivodeship (central)

Mountain Peaks

(not shown on map)

  • Jasiennik – peak near Lubomierz in Beskid Sadecki
  • Jasiennik – peak at Przysietnica in Beskid Sadecki


(not shown on map except Lake Jasień)

  • Jasienica – a tributary of Ilownica
  • Jasienica – a tributary of Klodnica
  • Jasienica – a tributary of Wirowa
  • Jasienica – a tributary of Gunica
  • Jasienica – a tributary of Rega
  • Jasienica – a tributary of Grabowa
  • Jasienica – a tributary of Wieprza
  • Jasieniczanka – a small river flowing through Jasienica, a village in the administrative district of gmina Myslenice
  • Jasień – a river in the Polish city Łódź; a tributary of Ner 
  • Jasień  (Cashubian Jezero Jaséńsczé, German Jassener See) – a lake in the Bytów Lake District (Pojezierze Bytowskie, Cashubian, Bëtowsczé Pòjezerzé)
    • Bytów is the bigger town there (Cashubian, Bëtowò, German Bütow); its name may come (or vice versa) from the river Bytowa (Bytówka, Cashubian Bëtowa) 
    • a part of the Słupia Valley Landscape Park
  • Jasiołka – a river in SE Poland; a tributary of Wisłoka
  • Jasionka – a tributary of Jasiołka

Outside Poland

(these are just some examples – for a great list of all of these see the Allgemeines geographisch-statistisches Lexikon aller Laender, volume 3 pages 469-478, 486-487 (Ja-) and pages 506-514 (Je-))

Towns/Geographic Features

  • Jasionów – a village in the Brod region near Lviv, Ukraine
  • Jasienica Zamkowa – near Lviv, Ukraine
  • Jasenegg – a village in Austria
  • Jessen – a town in East Germany
  • Jasnitz – a town East Germany
  • Jassmund – Rugia, Germany
  • Jestetten – a town in Germany
  • Jesenwang – a village in Germany
  • Jesen – a village in Slovenia
  • Jesenice – a village in Slovenia
  • Jesenice – a village in the Czech Republic
  • Jesenik – a village in the Czech Republic
  • Jesenec – a village in the Czech Republic
  • Jesenské – a village in Slovakia
  • Jasenica – a village in Slovakia
  • Jasenie – a village in Slovakia
  • Jasenov – a village in Slovakia
  • Jasenovo – a village in Serbia
  • Jasenice – a village in Croatia
  • Jasenovac – a village in Croatia
  • Jasenovac – a village in Bosnia Herzegovina
  • Iesi – a town in Italy (hence the Codex Aesinas)
  • Jesolo – a part of Venice

Mountain Peaks

  • Jeseníky (Polish Jesioniki, German, Gesenke) – a mountain range of Eastern Sudetes in northern Moravia, Czech Silesia and partly in Poland.
    • the two main subranges are the Hrubý Jeseník and the Nízký Jeseník
    • Hrubý Jeseník – a mountain range of Eastern Sudetes in northern Moravia and Czech Silesia; the second highest mountain range in the Czech Republic
      • site of such sights as the Devil Stones (Čertovy kameny) and Peter’s Stones (Petrovy kameny)
      • its highest peak is the “Ur-Father” (literally Ur-Old Man or Praděd)  and other peaks include the Great Father (Velký Děd or Great Old Man) and Little Father (Malý Děd or Little Old Man) as well as the Velký Jezerník and Malý Jezerník
      • Velký Jezerník – a peak in the Hrubý Jeseník range
      • Malý Jezerník – a peak in the Hrubý Jeseník range
    • Nízký Jeseník – a peak in the Czech republic on the Polish border
  • Jesza – a mountain in Slovenia

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November 27, 2019

On Czech Gods Part II – Neplach

Published Post author

We mentioned before that the Czech sources for most of the Czech Gods are rather behind the times coming mostly (outside of the controversial Mater Verborum glosses) only starting in the 16th century.  We also mentioned that that was not entirely correct and that we had some ideas for earlier sources.  The time has come:

Here is Abbott Neplach of Opatovice, associated with the court of Charles IV.  He was apparently “born in Hoříněves to a poor family, then was sent to the Benedictine monastery in Opatovice in 1328.  In 1334 he took the vows of the Benedictine Order, and in 1340 he studied in Bologna.  He became abbot of the Opatovice monastery in 1348.” [quoting after Brill].  He wrote a history of the world with a particular reference to that most important part of it, i.e., Bohemia (Summula chronicae tam Romanae quam Bohemicae).  It seems that this was at the request of Charles IV and followed an earlier crappier attempt by another writer.  Neplach’s effort was also rather lousy and eventually it was left to Pulkava to please the sponsor.  However, Neplach does say under the year 894 the following (carryover paragraph):


A.d. DCCCXCIV incipiunt acta ac gesta ducum et regum Boemie, quorum quidam pagani fuerunt et idcirco, quo tempore vel quibus annis domini regnaverint, non est curandum.  Habebat enim quoddam ydolum, quod pro deo ipsorum colebant, nomen autem ydoli vocabatur Zelu.  Sed obmissis materiis de illis virginibus, de quibus fit mencio in principio cronice Boemice, de sola Lybossa phitonissa brevissime dicendum est.

To translate:

“There began the deeds and acts of the dukes and kings of Bohemia,  some of whom were pagans and, therefore, at what time or in what years they ruled is of no importance. And they had an idol whom they worshipped as a god and the name of this idol was Zelu.  But now let us focus on the matter of those maidens of whom mention was made at the beginning of this chronicle and briefly mention Lybossa [Libuse] the witch…”

Now, the interesting thing is that the German (and, apparently, only the German) translation of the Dalimil Chronicle contains a similar reference (perhaps based on this text above):


Now, Zelu seems to be the same as Zelon sive Dobropan, (interpretatio romana Mercury) from Stredovsky.  In fact, perhaps Stredovsky based his Zelon on the above reference of Neplach’s…

Curiously, a similar Godname appears either in Laskowski or in the De diis Samagitarum caeterorumque Sarmatarum et falsorum Christianorumi where, in discussing Baltic Gods, the author, if I recall correctly, mentions Zelus.

Update: Other Neplach entries included by Meyer are the following (from the new compilation by Juan Álvarez-Pedrosa Núñez, with him as well as Julia Mendoza Tuñón and Sandra Romano Martín translating):

Sub Anno 1336

“In the year of our Lord 1336, Phillip, son of the king of Majorca, accompanied by twelve noblemen from the kingdom entered the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin on the eve of the Nativity of Christ; and in Bohemia, close to Kadan, along with a solider in the town of Blov, a pastor named Myslata died. And he, rising from this tomb each night, would wander all of the nearby towns, terrorizing and slitting the throats of the people, and he would speak.When pieced with a stick, he said: ‘Much damage you have done me, since you have given me a cane to defend myself from the dogs;’ and when he was exhumed to burn him, he swelled like an ox and gave a hair-raising roar. When they put him in the fire, soemone took a stck and drive it through him, and he bled without stopping, as if he were a tanakrd. In addition, when they disinterred him and put him in a cart, his legs shrunk as if he were alive, and when he was burned, all of his evil was dispelled, and before being burnt, all those whose names he spoke at night would die within eight days.”

A.d. MCCCXXXVI Philippus, filius regis Maiorikarum, cum XII nobilibus regni ordinem fratrum Minorum in uigilia Natiuitatis Christi ingreditur et in Boemia circa Cadanum ad milliare unum in villa dicta Blow quidam pastor nomine Myslata moritur. Hic omni nocte surgens circuibat omnes villas in circuitu homines terrendo et iugulando et loquebatur. Et cum fuisset cum palo transfixus dicebat: Multum nocuerunt michi, nam dederunt michi baculum, ut me a canibus defendam; et cum cremandus effoderetur, tumebat sicut bos et terribiliter rugiebat. Et cum poneretur in ignem, quidam arripiens fustem fixit in eum et continuo erupit cruor sicut de vase. Insuper cum fuisset effossus et in currum positus, collegit pedes ad se sicut vivus, et cum fuisset crematus totum malum conquievit, et antequam cremaretur, quemcumque e nomine in nocte vocabat, infra octo dies moriebatur.

Sub anno 1344

“Year of the Lord 1344. In Levin a woman died and she was buried. Bu then she would come out of her tomb and murder many and then she would attack anyone. And when she was pierced, the blood flowed as if she were a live animal, and she had devoured more than half of her own shroud, which, when taken out of her, was covered in blood. When they went to bur her, they could not get any type of wood to light except for the wood from the roof of the church, according to the testimony of some old women. Although they had pierced her, she continued to rise up; but, when they were able to burn her, all of the evil she had was dispelled.”

“A.d. MCCCXLIV Quedam mulier in Lewin mortua fuit et sepulta. Post sepulturam autem surgebat et multos iugulabat et post quemlibet saltabat. Et cum fuisset transfixa, fluebat sanguis sicud de animali vivo et devoraverat slogerium proprium plus quam medium, et cum extraheretur, totum fuit in sanguine. Et cum deberet cremari, non poterant ligna aliqualiter accendi nisi de tegulis ecclesie ad informacionem aliquarum vetularum. Postguam autem fuisset transfix adhuc semper surgebat; sed cum fuisset cremata, tunc totum malum conquievit.”

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December 23, 2014