Polish Gods Part V – Erquickendes Morgenrot or Zarze Zarycze Trzy Szyestrycze Polonice

Aleksander Brueckner, for all his faults, did a tremendous job in preserving aspects of Polish culture. As one example, we have the following brief incantations/spells which he discovered lettered in on an otherwise empty page in an old 15th century manuscript. For a recent study of these and other medieval Polish incantations see Mariusz Leńczuk’s article.

The first piece is a mention of the three sisters who are the morning “stars” or auroras (jutrzenki or zorze). Zorza (though in Old Polish below spelled with an “a” as a zarza) could also refer to the planet Venus. Obviously, Orion’s Belt could stand in for the number three though not for the concept of dawn presumably? Or could it? In late summer, Orion’s Belt can be visible at dawn. (For an interesting potential connection to the bright snow patches of the Saami see here). Notice too that someone (the original writer?) seems to have added a rhyming Polonice in reference, perhaps, to the three sisters.

The second is a poem or story of the mother – theoretically the Christian Mother of God – who goes over (or onto, or by) the sea in search for a cure for her son. While so walking she encounters Jan – referred to as Saint John – but perhaps instead this is the traverling Jas who may well be cognate with Janus.

Finally we have an incantation regarding… butter which Brueckner interpreted as some sort of a love spell/charm.


In stellas una no[n] una… [?]


Zarze zarycze trzy szyestrycze           Polonice

Item Poszla mathka boza po morzu szbyrayacz zlothe pyanky
podkal ya szwanthy yan
a gdze gydzesz mathuchno
yda szynaczka
swego leczycz


Item Pwszkyego masla yako przesz thego livdzye bycz nyemoga thako aby thy nyebyl przesz mnye

In stellas una no[n] una… [?]


Zorze, the little Zorze, the three [Polish?] sisters
And the mother of God went over the sea to collect golden foam [and] she met Saint John
And where are you going [good] mother [he asked]
I am going to treat my son



[P?]russian butter, for because of it people cannot be, so too, you, by reason of me, should not be

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September 8, 2018

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