
We discussed some strange connections/explanations of Jassa/Jesza.  See for example here.  There are, of course, others.  Thus, for example, there is the Greek-Roman Plutarch (ΠλούταρχοςPloútarkhos) (circa 45 AD – 125 AD) in his “Isis and Osiris“:


Hyes or Yes?

“It is proper to identify Osiris with Dionysos…  They say that the sun and moon do not use chariots, but boats in which to sail round in their courses; and by this they intimate that the nourishment and origin of these heavenly bodies is from moisture. They think also that Homer, like Thales, had gained his knowledge from the Egyptians, when he postulated water as the source and origin of all things; for, according to them, Oceanus is Osiris, and Tethys is Isis, since she is the kindly nurse and provider for all things. In fact, the Greeks call emission apousia and coition synousia, and the son (hyios) from water (hydor) and rain (hysai); Dionysus also they call Hyes since he is lord of the nature of moisture; and he is no other than Osiris.  In fact, Hellanicus seems to have heard Osiris pronounced Hysiris by the priests, for he regularly spells the name in this way, deriving it, in all probability, from the nature of Osiris and the ceremony of finding him.  That Osiris is identical with Dionysus who could more fittingly know than yourself, Clea? For you are at the head of the inspired maidens of Delphi, and have been consecrated by your father and mother in the holy rites of Osiris.”

(see also the constellation Hyades)

Now the H-yes may also be a Yes for the “H” sound  was indicated by a little sign in the upper right hand corner of the Y, i.e., a smear mark could in theory have been interpreted as an “H” addition.  This, of course, is speculation but a review of the oldest manuscripts could help.

More relevantly, the connection between Dionysos and Osiris seems to bring Osiris into the realm of Iasion and, of course, jesien/wiesna, etc.  As we already noted previously,  Iasion seems similar to Jesze/Chason with his female counterpart being Ceres/Demeter or Marzanna (as per Dlugosz). Whether N

Indeed, the claim of equality between Dionysos and Osiris is also made by Herodotus who also claims that the worship of Dionysos originated in Egypt (as Osiris):

“Osiris is he who is called Dionysos in the Greek tongue.” (Herodotus 2. 49, 2.144).

What did Dio-nysos mean?  We do not know but there are plenty of suggestions made by ancient authors.  Thus, for example, Diodorus Siculus (1.15) proposes “The God from Nysa“.  Others see the name as Thracian.

And where was Nysa?  Hesychius locates Nysa in Egypt, Ethiopia, or Arabia. (Lexicon 742).  Hesiod locates it “near the streams of Aegyptus” (Frag. 287) – same for the author of the first  Homeric Hymn to Dionysos and for Apollonius Rhodius (Argonautica 2.1214).  Herodotus places Nysa either in Egypt (3.97) or Arabia (3.111).  Diodorus Siculus is in agreement with the Arabic location (1.15).  For more see this excellent blog entry.

But… was Nysa a “city” as the above assume?  Or was it something else?  We know that Osiris was associated with water (see above).  And there are plenty of similar or even identical river names in Slavic lands, e.g., Nysa-Neisse).  Also notice that the sound “as/es/os” is associated with the flow of water (Ozero/Ezero/Jezioro) or, more generally, with movement.


One of them Nysas

Moreover, the Egyptians clearly identified the sky with water as in the “Barge of Ra”.  That same myth also involved Osiris and Isis.  Note that Veleda is a recipient of a Roman galley as an offering to her by the Germanic (?) tribes who captured it.  On the cult of sky “ships” in Germany – see here.

On the other hand, Osiris was incorporated into Egyptian religion only after Ra and while Osiris became one of the chief Egyptian gods, it was Ra who was the Sun god (though Osiris was part of the cyclical worship/explanation of the existence of day and night).

Also, note that the presence of Osiris in Egypt (even if the form H-yes or Ies is accepted) does not mean the derivation of Jesza from Egypt.  Both of these seem predated by the Assyrian gods and goddesses and what the source of these is, is anyone’s guess.  Given our discussion about Anatolian countries, we note that some Anatolian/Cappadocian “Syrians” were described as Leuco-Syrians or “White Syrians”.  That “Leuko” sounds like “Lecho” should not be difficult to note.  Whether these were also the Paphlagonian Veneti is another matter.


Osiris – actual footage taken by an American special mission force

We’ll let you speculate on whether Nysa has any connection with Nia and on the relationship between the titan goddess Tethys and Krok’s Tetka.

Note too that Herodotus’ Budini also worshipped Dionysos (Histories, IV, 108):

“The Budinoi are a very great and numerous race, and are all very blue-eyed and fair of skin: and in their land is built a city of wood, the name of which is Gelonos, and each side of the wall is thirty furlongs in length and lofty at the same time, all being of wood; and the houses are of wood also and the temples; for there are in it temples of Hellenic gods furnished after Hellenic fashion with sacred images and altars and cells, all of wood; and they keep festivals every other year to Dionysos and celebrate the rites of Bacchus: for the Gelonians are originally Hellenes, and they removed from the trading stations on the coast and settled among the Budinoi; and they use partly the Scythian language and partly the Hellenic. The Budinoi however do not use the same language as the Gelonians, nor is their manner of living the same.”

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April 2, 2016

3 thoughts on “Yes-Iris?

  1. Justyna Göcke

    Did you also notice how the phrase “gifts of Cerera and Bacchus (Isis and Osiris) repeats itself in Slavic sermons? Plus Katicic sets Jarilo equal to Dionysos, especially during the killing or tearing apart of Jarilo’s puppet during Kupala fest. Would be worth checking the suebian ‘horrific origins’ ritual I think 😉 This dismemberment is also a very present in Poland; it was practiced up to 17th century. Hexenhammer calls it the most foul abomination, lol 🙂

  2. Justyna Göcke

    Maybe, just maybe hehehe… Jassa = Jesus = Osiris / Dionysos. I like the sound of it, especially in context of phallic cult.

  3. Marek

    Marzanna is pisces (marzenia, morze) aka Morewit (god of nightmares)
    Dziewanna is virgo (herbs) aka Siemowit aka Siemargł. in many slavic languages virgo=dziewa or something similar
    Btw I fail to see equality between Dionysos and Osiris. Did Osiris even drink?


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