Other Jessas

We have discussed some of the “Jassa” rivers in the “West”.  Some but, of course,  not all.  Take for example, the river Jeetzel (or Jetze in the higher parts) which is yet another “ash” river firmly in Germany (the source is around Rappin northeast of Wolfsburg).  It is a (western) tributary of the Elbe.  According to the current description in Wikipedia the name may be derived from the ash trees (in which case it’s Slavic) or maybe from the Germanic geza as in “boiling” water (is it very hot?):

“Der Flussname ist möglicherweise slawischen Ursprungs und würde sich in diesem Fall vom alt-slawischen jasenu (poln. jesion) herleiten, was so viel wie Eschenbach bedeutet. Dies könnte daher rühren, dass die Flussränder von Eschen und Erlen-Eschen-Wäldern gesäumt waren. Eine alternative Erklärung ist die Ableitung aus dem germanischen geza (gären, wallen, in die Höhe gehen).”


Jeetzel at Wendland from the Wendland tourist website

Apparently, in 1660 its name was Jetza (as per the Tractatus describing the then Reich):

1660 tractatsou

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February 25, 2016

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  1. Pingback: Forest People of Sul | In Nomine Jassa

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