On the Vans of Germania

Tacitus in his Germania writes:

“In their ancient songs, their only way of remembering or recording the past, they [i.e., the Germans] celebrate an earth-born god, Tuisco [not Tuisto], and his son Mannus, as the origin of their race, as their founders. To Mannus they assign three sons, from whose names, they say, the coast tribes are called Ingævones; those of the interior, Herminones; all the rest, Istævones.  Some, with the freedom of conjecture permitted by antiquity, assert that the god had several descendants, and the nation several appellations, as Marsi, Gambrivii, Suevi, Vandilii, and that these are genuine old names.”

The Vans, Vanni or Venni seems to mean, basically, “people” (and opponents of the Scandinavian Assas) or at least people who live by certain types of waters (avas) and so the question arises what are the Suoæveanee or Suo-avones or Sou-aveane and whether that formulation has the same source-concept (whether that is based on the River Solawa (pron Souava, i.e., the Saale) or, perhaps, the River Sava).

Speaking of Vans, did you notice that many of the dwarfs names end in -in? (e.g., Balin), a “typically” Slavic ending?

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May 16, 2015

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