Category Archives: Byzantine Slavs

John Kaminiates A.D. 904

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Thessalonica had been attacked by the Slavs sometime in the early 600s – on that see the Miracles of Saint Demetrius (here & here). John Kaminiates was a Greek resident of the city three centuries later. This time, in 904, the city was being attacked (and was, in fact, sacked) by Muslim Arabs from across the Mediterranean in Tripoli.

Arabs sacking Thessalonica in 904

Thanks to John Kaminiates we have an account of these events in his “On the Capture of Thessalonica” (Εις την άλωσιν της Θεσσαλονίκης, Eis tēn alōsin tēs Thessalonikēs). The book was, apparently, written while John was in Arab captivity. The translation is by David Frendo and Athanasios Fotiou.

Chapter 6

“We have given an adequate description of the eastern and northern part of the city and also of the southern part. Now let us try to depict as best we can the general layout of the western part. There is another plain which starts at the Jetty Wall, follows the contour of the mountain on the right, borders the sea on the left and presents the beholder with a spectacle of beauty. For that part which can claim some proximity to both the city and the sea is plentifully irrigated, decked out with vineyards, copses and gardens and adorned with innumerable dwellings and chapels, most of which have been divided up and held in common by companies of monks, who practise every kind of virtue (!) and live for God alone, towards whom they strive and on account of whom they left the turmoil of civic life and undertook to follow the path that leads to Him alone.”

“After that, the plain extends inland for a great distance with mostly treeless vegetation, but with good agricultural land. It continues to stretch in a westerly direction until it reaches another range of lofty mountains, at which point is situated a city called Beroea. It is a famous city in its own right both with regard to its inhabitants and to all the other qualities on which a city pins its faith.”

“In its central portion tihis plain also contains a mixture of villages, some of whose inhabitants, the Drougoubitai and the Sagoudatoi as they are called, pay their taxes to the city, while others pay tribute to the Scythians* who live not far from the border. Yet the villages and their inhabitants live very dose to one another, and the close commercial relations that are maintained with the Scythians are a considerable asset to the citizens of Thessaloniki as well, especially when both parties stay on friendly terms with each other and refrain from any violent measures that lead to confrontation and armed conflict. They share a common lifestyle and exchange commodities in perfect peace and harmony, and this has been their policy for some not inconsiderable time past. Mighty rivers, rising from the land of the Scythians, divide among themselves the aforesaid plain, and they lavish much abundance on the city through supplying it with fish and through being navigable upstream by seagoing vessels, as a result of which a cunningly contrived assortment of profits from commodities flows down those waters.”

* note: By Scythians he means Bulgarians.

Chapter 20

“Nevertheless, when, after the strategies’ injury, all responsibility for our welfare devolved upon Niketas, he too plead his part to the best of his ability. He said that a great number of Sklavenes from the territories, both those who paid us tribute and those who who were under jurisdiction of the strategies of Strymon, had been instructed to come up to the city, so that thanks to their skill in archery we might perhaps not be found inferior even in weaponry to our enemies, but have at our disposal the means of repelling their first onslaught. And he eagerly set about accomplishing this plan. He wrote letters which he had dispatched thought the whole adjoining region. In these he urged the Sklavenes and their retainers to come to us with all speed, each man arming himself as heavily as he could. But only a few peasants responded to his appeal, a wholly inadequate force, few in number and totally unprepared for battle. This state of affairs had been brought about by the incompetence and dishonesty of the commanders who had been put in charge of the these men were more concerned with their own advantage that with the common good, habitually intriguing against their associates, madly intent on taking bribes and well-versed in the art of preferring this type of acquisition to all others. On two, three, indeed on several different occasions the aforesaid Niketas tried by means of a letter to frighten the strategies of Strymon into action, accusing him of procrastination and intimating that, if the city were to suffer any harm as a result of the present peril, he would denounce him to the emperor as solely responsible for what had happened. But the fellow clung just as obstinately as before to his habitual folly. Without fear or respect for God or man and thinking nothing of the destruction of so great a city, he resolved that neither he for his part, nor any of his subordinates, should come to our aid when we were in such dire straits. Instead, he misled us right up to the last day of the war into believing that he would appear at any moment, playing unknown to us, the accomplice in a plot to bring about our downfall , and laughing up his sleeve at the disaster which engulfed us.”

Chapter 21

“Thus, we were deceived in the hopes which we entertained of our Sklavene allies. Yet we were no mere handful of men but were easily up to the required numerical strength and far exceeded that of the barbarian army. Nevertheless, our complete inexperience of warfare and lack of previous training made an enemy attack the object of limitless fear and trepidation. And in particular it seemed to us a bad sign that we had not managed to contrives any means of defense against this contingency.”

“Meanwhile, recourse to flight would have been an ignoble act, since it would inevitably have resulted in the capture of the city and the theft of all the ornaments made of gold, silver and other valuable materials belonging to the places of worship already referred to, or in the destruction by fire of the holy churches themselves. At the same time, even if we contrived to avoid suffering harm at the hands of the barbarians, we would not know how to assuage the emperor’s displeasure. Yet, such a policy would have been bearable and would have guaranteed our safety, however much the bare mention of such things might have sounded like a fate worse than death to those individuals who had never really known the meaning of adversity. For a people used only to a soft and luxurious life style, and with no previous military training to have to take such momentous decisions, that was a thought that filled us with horror and fairly drove us to distraction.”

Chapter 25

But when that wild beast had surveyed the entire extent of the wall and had noticed that the entrance to the harbour was barred by an iron chain and obstructed by the sunken hulks of a number of ships, he decided to launch his attack just at those points which he perceived to be free of those blocks of stone which, lurking on the seabed where they had earlier been placed, impeded the access of his ships and where his fleet would not be under heavier fire from that part of the wall which had already been built up to some considerable height. He chose a location, in fact, where a great depth of sea water beat against a particularly low stretch of wall, made a careful note of his position, and then, returning to his men, gave the signal for battle. They swooped down with their ships towards those points which had been described to them, letting out harsh and savage cries and rowing furiously in the direction of the wall. And banging on rawhide drums, they raised a fearful din, and they tried with many other kinds of bluff to frighten the defenders on the battlements. But those who were manning the wall shouted back even louder and invoked the aid of the saving weapon of the cross against the enemy forces. And they did this to such an effect that the barbarians, at the sound of so many people uttering a cry more fearsome than any they had previously heard, were dazed for a while and did not expect to achieve anything. Estimating the numbers of the citizens from the loudness of their shouts, they concluded that it would be no easy matter to enter the fray against such odds and to sack so great a city, the like of which they had never seen. Nevertheless, in order not to create the impression of having lost their nerve at the start of their offensive, they advanced neither fearlessly, nor with the rage which they later displayed, but with a certain blend of frenzy and fear, protecting themselves against their opponents by means of a barrage of missiles. Then their approach became more reckless and they strove to bring the fighting nearer, rousing themselves to fury like barking dogs and thoroughly enraged by the weapons that were hurled down at them from the wall. The citizens, in fact, were anything but remiss in their use of archery, and used it to great and conspicuous effect by stationing all the Sklavenes gathered from the neighbouring regions at those points from which it was easiest to shoot accurately and where there was nothing to deflect the momentum of their missiles.”

Chapter 41

“Exactly the same thing happened at the other gate, known as the Litaia Gate. Of the other gates, as we pointed out, those leading to the sea had been occupied in advance by the barbarians, whereas we ourselves had previousty blocked up three facing east, fearing in their case also the enemy’s strategem of setting fire to them, something which we had already experienced to our cost with the outer gates of the fortification. Consequently, people sensed helplessly that their escape was barred from all sides and floundered hopelessly about the streets, encountering death at every turn. Only a few, a mere handful, threw themselves from the walls at the western end of the harbour and leaped to safety. Certain others had saved their lives by surreptitiously slipping away through the gate near the Acropolis before disaster struck.

These men were the leaders of the Sklavenes, who had long been rehearsing this move, having previously gone so far as to steal the keys to the gates in question. But they should, in view of the critical nature of the situation, have allowed everyone who happened to be around at the time to avail himself of the opportunity to escape. Had they done so, many of those who happened to be in the area before the barbarians attacked would have avoided death. But they had no time for such a notion. They were far too busy looking after their own welfare, and in a move aimed exclusively at warding off danger from [to] themselves, they pushed the wings of the gate ajar and made a speedy exit, leaving one of their number on the spot to shut the gate behind them. In this way they treacherously undermined the safety of everybody on that occasion too, under the specious and lying pretext that they were not fleeing but were going to collect allies from the Strymon area, pretending that this was at the express command of the strategos.”

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December 20, 2018

The Slavs of Leo VI’s Taktika

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Leo VI the Wise aka the Philosopher (866 – 912) was Byzantine Emperor between 886 and 912. He wrote a number of works including his Taktika in which he discusses Slavs, among other peoples. While readers will recognize the Slav passages as being rough copies of earlier works (for example, of Procopius), they are included here for completeness. The translation is by George Dennis.

75. Formerly there were the Slavs. When they dwelt across the Ister, which we call the Danube, the Romans (Byzantines) attacked them and made war against them. They were then living as nomads, that is, before they crossed the Ister and bent their necks under the yoke of Roman authority. But I will not leave you ignorant of their usual methods in combat and of the other customs. Indeed, as I said, I will gather and explain everything to you, to the best of my ability, so that, like the bee, you may bring together from all sides and collect what is useful.

93. The Slavic nations have shared the same customs and way of life with each other. They were independent, absolutely refusing to be enslaved or governed especially when they dwelled across the Danube in their own country. And when they crossed over from there to here and, as it were, were forced to accept slavery, they still did not want to obey another person meekly but in some manner only themselves. For they deemed it better to be destroyed by a ruler of their own race than to serve and to submit themselves to the laws of the Romans. Even after they received the sacrament of salvic baptism, unto our own times, they just as sternly retained their ancient and customary independence.

94. They were always a populous and hardy people, readily bearing up under heat, cold, rain, nakedness, and scarcity of provisions.

95. Our father, autokrator of the Romans, Basil, now in the divine dwelling, persuaded these peoples to abandon their ancient ways and, having made them Greek, subjected them to rulers according to the Roman model, and having graced them with baptism, he liberated them from slavery to their own rulers and trained them to take part in warfare against those nations warring against the Romans. By these means he very carefully arranged matters for those peoples. As a result, he enabled the Romans to feel relaxed after the frequent uprisings by the Slavs in the past and the many disturbances and wars they had suffered from them in ancient times.

96. The tribes of the Slavs – I am not sure ho to say this – practiced hospitality to an extreme, and even now they judge it wrong to abandon it, but gold on to it as formerly. They were kind and gentle to travelers in their land, and were favorably disposed to them, They conducted them safely from one place to another in sequence and preserved them free from harm and always well supplied, commending them to one another. Indeed, if the stranger happened to suffer some harm because of his host’s negligence, the one who had commended him would commence hostilities against that host, regarding vengeance for the stranger as a sacred pledge.

97. From former times they held on to another very sympathetic custom. They did not keep those whom they had taken into captivity for an indefinite period, as long as they wished. Rather, they set a definite period of time for their enslavement, and then gave the prisomners a choice: after this set period, if they so desired, they could return to their own homes with a certain assigned recompense or, if they wished to stay with them, they could remain there as free men and friends.

98. Their women manifested particularly strong feelings. Many of them regarded the death of their husbands as their own and would have themselves suffocated, <finding it> unbearable to keep on living as widow.

99. For food they made use of millet. They were truly happy and content with very little and grudgingly bore the labors involved in farming. They far preferred to have a much more independent way of life without any work than to acquire a wide variety of food or money with great deal of toil.

100. Formerly they were armed with short javelins, or throwing weapons, two to each mann while other had large, thick shields, similar to thyreoi. They also used wooden bows and they had arrows smeared with a drug that was very effective. If the wounded man did not drink an antidote or take some other remedy to counteract the drug or immediately cut around the wound to keep <the poison> from spreading, it would assuredly destroy the whole body.

101. They love to make their homes in overgrown and difficult land and to take refuge there.

102. Previously, in the constitution (chapter) dealing with unexpected ambushes, we explained the manner in which the Romans made their attacks and ambushes against them. Now you, O general, even if you are not setting up surprise ambushes against them but against peoples like them or against other barbarians, if indeed you should find something useful in that ordinance, they you will have something right at hand to meet any contingency, as though you had been drilled in it beforehand.

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December 12, 2018

Laonikos Chalkokondyles

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Laonikos Chalkokondyles (circa 1430 – circa 1470) was a Byzantine Greek historian. His 10 volume history (The Histories) contains the following passages (dealing with the events of the Byzantine Civil war in 1350-1356) which give several potential sources for the origin of the Serbs:

“Süleyman [Pasha, son of Orhan Gazi] then attacked the Mysians [Moesians?]* and the Triballi.** This tribe – the oldest and largest of all of the world’s nations – took these lands either (1) by separating from the Illyrians*** or (2), as some people believe, from peoples on the other side of the Danube, at the ends of Europe, [by separating] from the Croats and Prussians on the Northern Ocean, or (3) it arrived from Sarmatia, which is now called Ruthenia. By reason of the insufferable cold they left those lands and, having crossed the Danube, they arrived in the country on the Ionian Gulf [Sea] and, having conquered them, took abode in the lands that belong to the Veneti. Perhaps it is better said that (4) they arrived from there in the land on the Ionian Sea and after crossing the Danube they found themselves on the other side of the oecumene, but we do not assert this with full certainty. But I do know that these tribes differ from one another by names but not by customs and using the same language they can understand each other even now. They spread out throughout Europe, lived in different places even in the Peloponessus, Laconia, in the mountains of the Taygetus, and on the Tainaron [Cape Matapan]. Here too lived a nation which stretched from Dacia to Pindos in Thessaly. Both of these are called the Vrachi.*** I cannot say which of these, were I to speak of them, [was the native and which] came to the other. In any event, I believe that the Triballi,** Mysians [Moesians?],* Illyrians,*** Croats, Polans and Sarmatians [that is Ruthenians as noted above] speak the same language.  Were anything worthwhile to be added to this, it is only that this is one tribe.”

* Bulgarians
** Serbs
*** Western Slavs or Slovenes.
*** Wallachians

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September 17, 2018

Suavic Greece

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Gergely (Gregory) Dankovski (a professor in Bratislava) was one of the first people to notice the number of Slavic place names in Greece and this was picked up by Fallmerayer, Mickiewicz (!), Safarik and others who listed places such as Platza, Stratza, Lutzena, Chlumitza, Lewetzowa, Sitzowa, Warsowa* and Polonitza. Vasmer did a very detailed study in 1941. There are, literally, hundreds of such places in Greece.


The following is from Fallmerayer (generally with German spelling of place names). Falmerayer was a bit of an ass but he was right to bring up the interesting point about Slavic place names in Greece (even if he did it in order to put down Greeks).

Note that:

  • some of the names that apparently are Slavic but that appear also in certain other parts of Europe.
  • Fallmerayer claims that Slavic was still spoken in Greece in the 15th century (anyone who has read the Chronicle of Morea will not find that surprising) citing Laonikos Chalkokondyles
  • there are two Varsovas in Greece and Fallmerayer also notes that in the area of Kabourolimni in Aetolia between Lepanto (Nafpaktos) and the shore of the Fidari (Evinos?) there is a mountain/hill with a destroyed village that too was called Varsova – that is Varsova number three – “how I myself heard from a person born in Kabourolimni”* 

*  Note too that while Fallmerayer is correct as to the Slavic provenance of the Varsova one should not stop there.  For example, even more interestingly a Versova exists in Mumbai, India (supposedly from “Vesave”) and there are a number of place names in Europe that begin with Wars. There is too a Werschau northwest (!) of Frankfurt am Main, Warsow near Schwerin, a Warsow near Demmin, Warszews in Poland and a number of other similar names. That is before we even get to Versailles (first mentioned as Versalliis).

If you look at the map you also can’t help notice the numerous “Skalas”. Skala supposedly refers to the Greek word for “stairs” but the word also means “rock” in Slavic and various Skalas litter the Greek landscape from Aetolia to Laconia where they are surrounded by lots of Slavic names. (Not sure who names a town after “stairs” but, hey, anything is possible. The connection, however is, I think deeper and may have go back to stairs in a rock (think Monemvasia)).

“The series begins on the southernmost tip of the mountains by Cape Matapan, und runs in a rising line all the way to the plain at Sinano (Σινάνο): Tschimova, Skutari, Tschekona, Skaltostianika, Lukadika, Pakianika, Mondanisteka, Damaristika, Tschikalia, Vardia, Alika, Mazara, Vipovo, Kipula, Kalava, Vardonitza, Tschopaka, Kotschifa, Kukura, Vambakia, Keratza, Vako, Leitza, Chelefa, Lutzena (Lützen), Selitza, Platza, Nomitza, Suina, Sowaliana, Polyana, Arachova, Kastanitza, Politzaravo, Vardunia, Stratza, Palova, Limbirdon, Pilala, Kutuka, Passava, Sela, Malevri, Kribenova, Panitza, Skamnitza, Maltzina, Desphina, Chlumitza, Kosova, Levetzova, Kurtaki, Tarapsa, Kurtzunia, Pritza, Selina, Kutzandika, Andruvista, Gurnitza, Saidova, Liesinova, Gaitza, Brinda, Orova, Malevrianika, Malta, Sandava, Varusta, Scherenitza, Selitza, Selitzianika, Trikotzova, Janitza, Kutzava, Janitzianika, Tzernitza, Sitzova, Anastasova, Malevo, Mistra, Pelovitza, Doritza, Potiana, Kumusta, Varsova, Vardunia, Kastania, Kotitza, Tritzela, Riviotisa, Tukozi, Katzaru, Polovitza, Liandina, Lukovuno, Sklabochori and Godena.”

“Among these there are Malevri, Malevo and Kubenova designations for mountains and mountain regions; but Sandova is the name of a small stream. All these are found in the Taygetus [range], and on its eastern incline against the right shore of the Eurotas [principal river in Laconia].”

“Varsova, that is Warsaw, is a small village near Mistral and the ruins of ancient Sparta; though Sklabochori is, as is well known the New Greek name designation for the most well-known Slavic place in the valley [of Selassia by the former Amykles (Αμύκλες) in the district of Sklabochoria.”

“On the left shore of the Europas one can find moreover Konititza, Vasara, Vrestena, Borbitza, Arachova, the mountains Malevo, Mazaraki and Berkia, Tzintzina, Karitza, Sacona, Cniotzali, Vurlia, Servianitza; thereafter, Chelesina, Perzeni, Goritza, Kravata, Zupena, Pavleika, Granitza, Vlachioti, Virniko, Phloka, Kukuri and Zagano, that is Sagan [Zagan].”

“West of the Taygetus in Messenia there lie Valtuka, Kaplani, Zaitzi, Saratza, Kryvitza, Agalziki, Ripena, Metarena, Dara, Drauga, Militza, Miska, Vlachopoulo, Kasteni, Madena, Tzitzori, Teznika, Draina, Buga, Valta, Phloka, Planitza, Gardiki, Katzikovo, with the streams Pirnatscha, Buzi, Kalka and Zumena and the Susdalian Myntra.”

“One should judge on his own what can be said of a population of a country which calls its villages: Varsova, Mistra, Sitzova, Goritza, Kryvitza and Zagen.”

“One can find a second Varsova in the mountains between Arkadia and Achaea where one also finds Krakova or Krokova (Cracow) which is to this day is still populated.* In the inner parts of Arkadia, around the sources of the former Ladon (Λάδωνας) and then towards Elis (Ηλεία or Ilia) and Achaea we run into the villages of Glogova, that is Glogow; Tzelechova, that is Zöllichau, Englenova,  and with Kandsoi and Kaminitza, Arachova three times more, so that a traveller believes he’s been transported to Russia, Poland or the Slavic lands on the Oder. One should also not forget that the Messenian streams Buzi, Kalka and Zumena have their namesakes in Podolia and Southern Russia.”

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September 13, 2018

The Abbreviator of Strabo

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The so-called abbreviator (or, if you will, epitomizer) of Strabo, writing between 670 and 680, created, as the name suggests, an abbreviated copy of Strabo’s “Geography”. In doing so, he also added his own comments where he saw fit.  It is possible too that the comments came from several authors. A number of those comments appear of relevance to Slavic history.  The book numbers below refer to the books of the “Geography”. The manuscript itself comes from the end of the ninth century.

Book 7.47

“The Scythian Slavs now hold all Epirus and almost all of Greece, together with the Peloponnesus and Macedonia.”

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March 9, 2018

All the Slavs of the Miracles of Saint Demetrius – Book II

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I. Of the Building of Ships by the Drugoviti, Sagudati, Velegeziti and Others

And so this happened, as they say, during the bishopric of John, may he rest in peace. The nation of the Sklavenes gathered in a large multitude comprised of the peoples of the Drugoviti [Δρο[υ]γο[υ]βῖται/Δραγοβῖται], Sagudati [Σαγουδάται], Velegeziti [Βελεγεζίται], Vaiuniti [Βαϊουνίται], Verziti [Βερζηται] and others. They were the first to discover a way to build a boat hollowed out of a single trunk. Having so prepared themselves to sail on the seas, they plundered all of Thessally, and the Greek islands of the Cyclades, the entire Achaja and the mainland, a large portion of Illyricum and part of Asia. Most of the towns and provinces they made uninhabited  and they desired to attack the by us afore-mentioned city, beloved of Christ and to plunder it much as they [plundered] the others. On this matter they were of a single mind and having constructed a great number of boats made of a single trunk, they set up camp near the sea; the rest of the swarm besieged the city guarded by God from all sides: the East, the North and the West. They had with them their families as well as their belongings for they planned to settle in the city after its taking…

Hagios Demetrios in the city of Thessaloniki saw Suav action

…The entire nation of the Sklavenes arrayed themselves for battle so as to make a surprise assault on the walls in unison. Those who stayed by the boats planed to cover the same with bars and hides so as to protect their rowers against stones tossed from the city walls or the blows of the javelin throwers. It is said that the first became leery/afraid by reason of the martyr [that is Saint Demetrius] who did not permit them to come close to the city but instead caused them to have to anchor themselves in that bay which from the ancient times has been called Kellarion and it was there that they pondered how best to effect their goals…

Three days passed in this manner and the Sklavene boats sailed at a distance of two miles from the walls and each day assiduously looked for east to take places with the aim of plundering those. On the fourth day, with a great roar, the entire nation attacked the city from all sides: some threw stones using engines they had prepared, others had guided siege towers right up to the walls trying to take and plunder them, others set fires before the gates, yet others hurled projectiles onto the walls like hail. One could then see this strange and wondrous host of weaponry for as a storm cloud cloaks sundays so was did they thicken the air with their arrows and stone missiles.  In this great assault the barbarians, ready to sail and prepared to [finally] attack closed in in their boats on places scouted out earlier: some approached the tower on the western part of the church steps where a small wicket exists, others to the places where no wall stood but rather a palisade defended access as well as a construct built out of hidden beams that were commonly called [tulons?]. These latter attacks believed that they will be able to get into the city that way for they were ignorant of these types of defenses and the former thought that they will be able to break through the wicket gate and through that entrance make it into the city.

Meanwhile, again by reason of the martyr’s intercession, a great disarray arose among the afore-mentioned boats and so it happened that they started running into each other and some even keeled over hurling their occupants into the water.  And so it happened that the one who was submerged would try to save himself by grabbing onto another boat and in doing so would cause those in it to themselves fall into the sea. Finally, the rowers from the remaining boats would use their swords to cut of the hands of those who came close and they would smite each other on the head with swords and wound each other with their javelins and each, occupied in an attempt to rescue his own life, became the enemy of his companion. And those who managed to reach the camouflaged wooden defense contraption fell there into snares and their boats, moving in a great momentum, halted near the shore and it was impossible for them   to yank them free from there. Then the brave citizens of the city headed down while others reinforced the wicket gate through which the enemies intended to enter the city. And so the work of the fighting and Victorious [martyr] was complete.

It was then possible to behold a sea stained red with the barbarian blood of and to hearken back to the drowning of the Egyptians [in the Red Sea]. And presently was the mercy of the Lord revealed. At two in the morning though at first all was still, there suddenly came a calm wind which scattered those barbarians’ boats that were unable to withdraw, some eastwards while others to the West. The sea surrendered many barbarian corpses tossing them onto the shore and underneath the walls. And finally, the guards of the coast issued onto the walls and showed  the barbarians remaining on land the cut off heads of their compatriots. Those boatmen who survived told tales of the great ruin inflicted upon them through the agency of the Victorious [Demetrius] by God. Having achieved nothing, they left in great distress and shame, leaving behind them numerous constructs and much booty…

And the most wondrous and worthy of remembrance of all was that Chatzon, the leader of the Sklavenes, in accordance with his custom asked an oracle whether he would enter our city guarded by God. And he was given an answer in the affirmative but it was not revealed to him how he would make his entrance. Yet by reason of the answer delivered to him he believed that the augury was favorable, he boldly proceeded on with his plan. But He who turns the seasons and foils enemy arrows delivered him as a prisoner to the citizens of the city through the above mentioned gate.  Some of those who were people of rank and dignity in the city hid him in a house for profits and for unworthy reasons. But even in this case, Holy Providence of the Victorious martyr did not tarry. He kindled courage in some women who then brought him out from the house where he had remained hidden. Dragged through the city he was stoned to death. And thus he found a death commensurate with his evil plans.

II. Of the War Against the Khagan

After the already mentioned large-scale assault by the Sklavenes, that is by Chatzon and the just and easily achieved ruin that befell them through the intercession of the Victorious, war against us brought them humiliation. They also suffered a significant loss when prisoners taken by them fled to our city, protected by God, and were freed thanks to their guide and redeemer and our protector, Demetrius.  They had reasons to be troubled not just because they lost their captives but also because the latter fled having taken with them a part of the plunder taken by them [the Suavs] during their pillaging. In their great distress they decided, having collected many gifts, to send them via their messengers to the khan of the Avars with the enticement of a promise of great sums of money that they and already looted and those yet to be captured in our city in our city – as they assured him – should he lend them his help. They said that it will be easy for them to take this city, that was as if already meant by fate for him, unable to defend itself as it sat alone among the cities and provinces which had already been made desolate by them. For it is said that it lies in the middle of all this devastation and accepts all those fleeing from the Danube, from Pannonia, Dacia and Dardania, and all the other cities and provinces, and they all gather to it.

The aforesaid khagan of the Avars eagerly trying to fulfill their wish, gathered at his side all the barbarian tribes controlled by him, together with all the Sklavenes, Bulgars and other peoples all in an innumerable multitude and after the passage of two years he readied an army to battle our city protected by the martyr. He ordered to arm elite riders and to send them with great haste, for he did not know when he would arrive at the city with his army. And these riders captured and, in some cases, even killed those residents who found themselves outside [of the city gates when the riders attacked]. After some time the khagan himself arrived together with his warriors who were bringing various machines and war contraptions in order to destroy our fatherland. With this plan and so armed, did the barbarians immediately set out. About the fifth hour their cavalry iron-clad charged from all sides. Because the inhabitants had not foreseen this, those that had at that time been out in the fields tending to the harvest were killed and yet others were taken captive; Many animal flocks were also taken as, too, much of the harvest tools.

After a few days, the barbarian khagan himself with the entire throng of Bulgars and other above-mentioned peoples, like a winter storm, fell on the walls of city. They surrounded it so that it alone, like a mountain should be visible from all sides. The earth could not withstand this great crowd or suffer their marches, nor could the rivers or wells suffice to deliver water to them or their animals.

When the citizens of there city noticed the great throng of the barbarians clothed with iron and, on all sides, the soaring stone throwers whose height exceeded even the internal wall turrets as well as so-called “turtles” made of woven [materials] and hides, about these battering rams [ready to assault] the gates made of giant tree trunks and riveted with hoops, the very great wooden towers exceeding in height the gates, and on top of these [towers] burly youths, spears stuck, mobile ladders on wheels, flame throwers, then, seeing the city so greatly oppressed, they said [prayers].

[there follows a prayer led by the bishop and then a description of the earthquake]

Thereafter, the enemies’ devices were ignored with contempt, and their battle preparations proved in vain by reason of the actions of the Victorious. Thus, their wooden tower, which they believed was the most dangerous of all, useful and ready to take the walls, collapsed, by God’s Providence, together with all the gear that had been gathered within it and its crew perished. Those others that were attacking using “turtles”, were pulled down/off by means of rods that were lowered [from the walls] with an attached blade similar to a ploughshare and the unprotected soldiers [left] at the bottom of the walls were [then] injured with projectiles…

When the barbarians finally realized that their assault on city was failing, they demanded a payment to in exchange for departing the city. They [Thessalonicans] refused this and went back to their military posture. The leader of the enemy, khagan [a khagan?] felt ignored by the city’s citizens by reason of the great delay* [and] ordered [his forces] to set fire to all the temples that were outside [the gates] and also to burn down all the nearby homes, ordering his [followers] not to retreat from there but instead to gather other tribes to help against our town. Thus, 33 days passed in a ceaseless siege and [then] all the citizens agree to the request of the barbarians that they appoint someone to negotiate peace. Thus, a peace treaty was agreed upon and [the others] were to depart for their dwellings.

[*note: Presumably he was waiting for a response to his demand for payment while the defenders, refusing to agree to that, went back to their business, perhaps without communicating their refusal outright.]

After the peace accord, [they]  came close to the gates without fear and sold, at a small profit, back the prisoners they had taken. On this occasion of peace, [the barbarians] spread the word of the divine rescue of the city and marveled at the miracle which occurred on the gates during the earthquake** as wall as that, by reason of these [divine] manifestations, their prepared arms and machines proved to be weak and pointless. For all that they and constructed in various manners and what they thought would be necessary and useful at the siege, proved [instead] to be useless and dangerous [to them], when the saw the Saints.

[**note: This refers to the appearance of Saint Demetrius (and others?) on the walls protecting the city]

III. Of Earthquakes and the Fire at the Temple

In those days when earthquakes constantly threatened the city, many of its buildings collapsed and the gates remained wide open, when the majority of the citizens, defenseless, dispersed themselves outside of the city and when no one had the courage to come back home, the tribe of the Sklavenes which had been living nearby which had, when the walls were still standing and the citizens hadn’t scattered, aimed to conquer the city, now had neither the courage to come near to it nor to try to ransack it…

It was then when the miracles sent by God through the device of our savior (Saint Demetrius) were being praised in song, the aforementioned Sklavenes, sitting nearby us,triumphantly heraldde our deliverance. They said that right after the first great earthquake which some of them survived, they with their own eyes saw, as they say ,that the air for many hours was filled with the dust of the earth being rent asunder. After ascending he hills surrounding the city, they saw that it had fallen inter ruin in its entirety. Believing that all the citizens had perished, they took up pick axes and other tools to clean the earth, or, some of them  they they started without any equipment,  coming to dig up and take the belongings of the citizens [of Thessalonica]. And they started with this goal in mind but when they came close by, it then seemed to them as if the walls were still standing everywhere and the city remained untouched as before and they beheld guards on the city ramparts as also outside [the gates]. Fearfully they retreated then having achieved nothing…

IV. Of the Hunger Caused by Perbundos and of the Unending Siege

When the Sklavenes, the oft-mentioned neighbors of the God-protected city maintained peace [with us], the then prefect of the city, for reasons unknown, in his reports to the emperor spread rumors against the duke of the Rhynchines, by the name of Perbundos, accusing him of insidiously preparing to move against our city. The emperor, being true to the Lord, sent a letter to the prefect with orders to take this duke captive by whatever means necessary and to deliver [the duke] to him. When the letter reached the prefect, Perbundos was immediately captured in the city and sent, bound, to the emperor, in accordance with the orders in the letter.

When the entire nation of the Sklavenes, learned of this occurrence, the Rhynchines and the Strymones decided to ask the emperor not to put Perbundos to death but to forgive his guilt. They pleaded too that [the emperor] should free him and sent him back to them. In this matter a high-level embassy was sent to the emperor; and because he was at the time getting ready for war against the Agarenni, it was decided with the envoys that Perbundos would be freed after [said], war.

[He] sent them back with that promise and then ordered that [Perbundosj be freed and that he be provided with transportation [back] and care at all times [during the journey]. Thanks to the aforementioned envoys and the barbarians’ embassy that were taken there [?], [having received] this promise, all the Sklavenes abandoned their foolhardy course of action [against the city]. But the enemy of everything – evil demon, the originator of evil = had reached the above mentioned imperial interpreter, a man liked both by the Emperor and the archons and made him into a tool of his own undoing. He then [the interpreter] convinced the mentioned Perbundos to escape by traveling to his suburban estate located in Thrace, saying that he himself would arrive there in a few days, would escort him and protect him all the way to his own country.

After agreeing to this, duke Perbundos donning Byzantine attire and possessing knowledge of our tongue left the gate at Blachernae as if a citizen of the city and then proceeded to the translator’s estate and hi himself there. When they began to search for Perbundos in the capital and were unable to locate him – for no one knew of the interpreter’s agreement – the Emperor and his dignitaries, greatly concerned, ordered that all the shipping be halted and all the gates closed. Riders and vessels were dispatched searching for Perbundos in all directions for forty days, day after day, one after another. [The emperor] ordered the guards who were supposed to have been looking after Perbundos to be tortured and then put to the sword and ordered that those upon whom suspicion fell were to have their limbs chopped off. In short, many people suddenly found themselves in danger as a consequence of Perbundos’ escape. Even the then eparch of Constantinople was punished by being sent away to [Thessalonica?]. This once happy city one now found troubled, plunged into sadness and tears. The Emperor, concerned by the prevailing anxiety over Perbundos‘ escape, immediately sent a ship to our city bearing tidings of what had occurred. He also ordered that the city be supplied with defenses and provisions fearing an attack against the city by the tribe of the Sklavenes.

But the Lord and Creator of everything, the merciful God, through his bravest and most compassionate martyr, kept the Emperor from his troubles; at the end, when all hope had gone and the search for Perbundos was about to be given up, he was finally located in the suburban residence of the interpreter. He was hiding in the bushes near the town of Vize having food delivered to him by the interpreter’s wife. It was only through God’s Providence that Duke Perbundos had survived for so many days. He was found at a considerable distance from the capital and was unaware of the location to which he had been taken nor that there were Sclavene tribes in the area to which he could have fled to and saved himself…

Having been caught he was brought back to the city and interrogated about the manner of his escape. When it was determined that he escaped at the suggestion and with the aid of the interpreter and that he was awaiting him in accordance with their agreement, having secured a promise of help, the emperor ordered the interpreter to be beheaded together with his wife and children. Perbundos, on the other hand, he did not have punished but ordered to be held under guard, as before, and pledged to deliver him safely to us [in Thessalonica].

But even then the deceitful enemy of all Satan did not waste time and once more whispered thoughts of escape to him. And when Perbundos was getting ready to flee, by God’s Will, it became known what was to happen. It was reported to the Emperor what he was planning  and what he was planning in case the escape were to be successful. For, while the search was still going on, he decided that if he makes it safely back to his country then he won’t enter into any peace agreements but will [instead] gather together his neighboring tribes and not leaving any place on land or on sea unharassed, he will battle constantly so as not to leave a single Christian alive. And when his intentions were, as they say by God’s will, revealed, he brought death upon himself and found an appropriate end to his noxious schemes. From that time on, the tribes of the above mentioned Sklavenes, I mean the Strymones, the Rhynchines and the Sagudatis, eagerly began to arm against Thessalonica.

They first agreed amongst themselves that each day the Sklavenes from the Strimon [area] will work to conquer the Eastern and Northern territory and the Rhynchines and Sagudatis, the Western [territory], and that their ships will work together to take the coast. And so they did this for a whole two years. They advanced, as it is said, three or four units each day, so that the citizens of the city eventually fell numb, unable to suffer the excessive cares and pain. When… [Thessalonicans] some set out to the East, a new commotion would arise in the West. And when they moved towards the North, cries issued from the direction of the sea and the Thessalonicans saw themselves unable to suffer further and constantly they saw people killed and taken prisoner. [The city is gripped by starvation faced with increasingly meager food stores].

Finally, it came to pass that some of the weaken in spirit, as it seems, concerned about their lives, when faced with an opportunity to do so, escaped to the barbarians; some leaving their children and wives, others their parents, relations and faith…

And when so many people had fled to the barbarians, an idea occurred to our enemies to sell all those who find their way to them to the Sklavenes who lived in the interior of the country; they [worried perhaps] that, should the number of escapees become overly large, given the closeness of the city, [these escapees could] change their plans.*

[*note: apparently, so many people fled the starving city that the besieging Suavs were worried about the relative number of their new Thessalonican “friends”].

When the barbarians put their plan into motion and still people were escaping with the help of Saint Demetrius, the remaining people desiring to flee [the city] were stopped so as to prevent the entire city from being depopulated in this manner even before the barbarians took it. Finally, thanks to the help of Saint Demetrius, the dire straights of the city could have been altered but [then] through the treachery of the Sklavenes, who seemed to be cooperating with us, on the northern outskirts of the city the flower of the [city’s] youth was murdered…

The city’s sense of powerlessness grew for the barbarians would convert the temples many of which were found beyond the city walls into fortresses and they hid there; and when, during the day, the citizens tried to open the gates and come out, [the barbarians] would immediately descend like hawks upon those who dared to venture out and would murder them. And others, hiding on the monoxilae, at the steep shores and in unseen places, attacked and killed those who, in this difficult situation, tried to fish in the sea to get some sustenance.  The [city’s] grief intensified, [as did] the boundless suffering, the lamentation, the crying and the despair.

It was at that point that the city leaders agreed with the citizens that the still existing and seaworthy equipment, monoxylae and ten ships and also the prepared funds should be sent to the tribe of the Velegeziti, near Thebes (in Thessaly) and Demetrias, so as to purchase from them grain for the city. It was also established that all those people who were not otherwise working should remain at the walls until the return [of the Thessalonican envoys to the Velegeziti]. And when these healthy men in the prime of life sailed away to the afore-mentioned Velegeziti, who at the time maintained peaceful relations with Thessalonica, the dukes of the Drugoviti decided to storm the walls so as to surround and take the city. They ignored the weak and increasingly few residents and besides a few Sklavenes assured them that they will easily destroy the city. So they prepared by the gates fire-carrying weapons, war machines made out of wicker rods, giant ladders, also stone-throwing ballistas and many other machines, newly made projectiles, in short, all that gear that no one of our generation had known or had seen. The names of a majority of these we cannot pronounce till this day. And so, in this way all the Sklavenes of the Rhynchine tribe together with the Sagudatis attacked the city on the twenty-fifth of July of the fifth indiction, some from the land, others from the sea together with many oarsmen…

The merciful and beneficent God, always present amongst those who call on him, appeared immediately and with his intercession gave rise to a beginning of miracles, forcing one of the barbarian tribes – the Strymones – to flee. When in accordance with their earlier plots they found themselves three miles distant from our city, thanks to the prayers of Saint Demetrius, by God’s will, they were forced to turn back. From this moment on, the entire tribe of the Rhynchines and those who were with them and other barbarian tribes together with the Sagudatis besieged us from land and sea. On the first day they surrounded the city from the western side all the way to the eastern side and [their] seasoned warriors took in all the places from which it would have been easy for them to take the city during a siege. Likewise, the Sklavenes on their coupled together [boats?] guarded all the coast; and they all together readied ruin for the city raising destructive machines alongside the [city] walls.

The Thessalonicans feared then that the Velegeziti would kill those who had been sent to them for they [the Velegeziti] knew about the assault on us. And indeed the Velegeziti did harbor such plans and would have put them in effect but for being thwarted in this by the martyr [that is Demetrius]…

When it began to dawn, all the barbarians rose up and raised a great cry such that the whole earth shook and the [city] walls trembled. Upon this, all those [barbarians] who were close to the walls, scaled them together with their prepared weaponry, machines and fire; some from the side of the land, others on their conjoined boats alongside the entire shoreline, then the armored bowmen, shield bearers, infantry units, javelin throwers, slingers, war machine keepers and the braver of them with siege ladders and fire. Then the entire populace gathered in the city saw that a great swarm of missiles shrouded the world and day turned to dusk…

In the ensuing fog of war, the Sklavenes attempted to set the aforementioned gate on fire. Having lit a great fire, they threw firebrands and [their] bowmen archers, light armored troops and javelin throwers and [other] missile tossers did not permit any of [our] armored soldiers to lean out over the gates but kept them all under fire. And even though their actions caused all the wood inside [the gate] to burn down, the iron joints did not fail and they were as if [merely] buried [by the wood] and in other ways were [even] strengthened. In this manner, the gate that had been set on fire remained untouched and the frightened barbarians retreated from that place. They also, quite unexpectedly suffered a great loss of men, both killed and wounded, and not only in this place [at the gate] but on the entire land and sea.

The feuding barbarians berated those who has egged them on earlier: “Did you not tell us that there was no one in the city save old people and a few women? How then did such a great gathering of people stand against us?” For all of them it became clear that the battle had been fought by our champions, the holy [protectors] of the city by intercession of [Saint] Demetrius. After a few days there returned, with grain and vegetables, safely [to the city] those who had gone to the Velegeziti. They had learned there from the Sklavenes about the salvation of the city, which happened, God willing, through the intercession of our guardian, [Saint] Demetrius. The barbarians suspected, how we have already said, and how they themselves had proclaimed that God shall not fail to save and strengthen the weak and [shall not fail too] to harshly judge the haughty… The Lord had foiled [their] hostile [plans] towards us, for our enemies in their wretchedness placed their hopes in their armor and were sure of their numerical superiority. …

And truly this was the greatest of the then miracles. For the afore-mentioned Sklavenes, to their own ruin did design and maliciously prepare resilient weaponry and devices to attack the city, some prepared hostile machines and inventions; others, gathering supplies of swords and missiles, some trying to prove themselves more eager and better than the others, competing in front of the leaders of the tribes. At this time there was among the Sklavenes a certain man capable in deed[s] and ideas who, by reason of his great experience being present during the preparation and setting up of the devices, asked the duke himself that this one give him permission and guarantee assistance in the building of a mighty [siege] tower on wheels and rollers which [indeed] was a clever design of wood; he said that this should be covered with fresh hides, placing stone throwers on top and swords on both sides and shields on top to protect armored men; this [machine] had three levels and also housed archers and slingers; in short, he wanted to construct a device with the assistance of which, he would, he firmly claimed, undoubtedly take the city.

The dukes of the Sklavenes, excited by the description of the singular device, but not [fully] trusting this tale, asked him that he should draw the afore-mentioned on the ground. Without delay, this constructor and inventor sketched out the outlines of this machine in the dirt. Since at last the dukes of the Sklavenes, were convinced of the effective nature of this machine that was to be built, they eagerly delivered many young men, some experienced and hardy lumberjacks to chop down trees for the base [of the machine], craftsmen to make iron weaponry and some heavy troops to make missiles. Many helpers aided the afore-mentioned enterprise. Each helped the other so that finally the construction was to begin. It was then that the defender and caretaker of all, thoughtfully foreseeing the future, God’s servant, Demetrius, having appeared to the one who was supposed to engineer the machine, with a sudden strike to his face, deprived [the engineer] of his mental faculties. And immediately this man started to flee from his own [companions], while they urged him to return to work [and] when he ran away again; and when they approached him, he would flee from them. HIs mental faculties having been rendered ineffective, he lived like a wild animal, without clothes, in hard to cross mountains, in hiding, avoiding people. And so the work on erecting this complicated machine was halted.

And the engineer, as was described, lived in the wilderness until such time as Demetrius had weakened the siege efforts. Then the inventor of this machine, having regained his senses, told everyone about the punishment that he met by the hand of the martyr. It was when he began to construct this tower that he saw a certain red-haired man in a rich outfit who struck him in the face with his hand. For this reason he lost his faculties and seeing himself in each man [that he encountered], he fled. When he again saw this man, this one told him to return from his desolation and said to him that he should not fear but that he should return to the city to find him. And so he did come back and searched for the one who caused miracles to transpire, the holy savior of the fatherland and having found him and recognized that it was he who had prevented his building of the machine, he [the engineer] honestly and immediately turned his trust to God and the holy martyr Demetrius. He was deemed worthy of baptism and he, in turn, told everyone about this miracle.

And so this time too did the city receive aid by means of its patron. All the Sklavenes, Strymones and Rhynchines, after a short rest, assaulted using their bound boats those rowers who were returning to Constantinople with a grain transport; they robbed the people from the islands, from the straight, from Parium and Prokonnessus [Marmara].* Taking customs officials and rowers prisoner, they sailed away together with their booty home. Them the Emperor, crowned by will of Christ, seeing the tenacity and cunning of the enemies of our city, but also that they had the daring to go against the authorities, deemed it appropriate that the soldiers of his army should move against the Strymones [marching] through Thrace and the lands lying nearby and to do so not covertly or secretly but letting them know of the attack. Some of them [the Strymones], having been earlier informed [of the Byzantine advance], filled the ravines and fortified place in full armor so as to resist the Byzantine armies having convinced all the auxiliary units of various barbarian dukes to cooperate [with the defenders].

[* note: at the Hellespont/Dardanelles straight]

And then… the Byzantine army won a victory over the Sklavenes, and in the ambushes that they [the Suavs] prepared, [the army] destroyed strong and excellent warriors. The entire barbarian tribe was fleeing and those who were secretly returning to our city, were being persuaded that they should go to their [Suavs’] houses that lat nearby and take away their [Suavs’] harvest bounty.  For by reason of the indescribable fear and defeat which found place, their families, leaving all behind, were moving deep into the country. You could see the exhausted Thessalonicans with women and children leaving for the houses that lay near Lete and other nearby places and taking away grains, vegetables and equipment and carrying on their shoulders what could be eaten; [they moved] unarmed for that was easier and [only] half-clothed by reason of exhaustion from travel and the heat…

When the Emperor, on whom it befell to justly and piously to rule over us, sent his army to do battle with the Sklavenes, he also sent ships with grains, even before we asked for it. The city government delayed [having it sent to the city] fearing that the delivery for which they were pleading should not create outrage and suspicion among some who should find out about it. And even though it was said that five thousand measures of grain would suffice for the city, our lord [the Emperor], inspired by God, ordered to sixty thousand to be delivered to us. It was then that, after the delivery of the grains and other products and the arrival of the ships that escorted them, the barbarians as a last resort agreed to peace…

V. Concerning the Civil War Planned Secretly Against our City by the Bulgars
Mauros and Kouver
(this piece is from the Peter Charanis translation)

As you know, lovers of Christ, we have related in part, in what has proceeded, about the Sklavenes, the one called Chatzon, and also the Avars; that having ravaged virtually all Illyricum and its provinces, I mean the two Pannonias, the two Dacias, Dardania, Mysia, Praevalin, Rhodope, and also Thrace and the regions along the walls of Byzantium, and having taken the rest of the cities and towns, they lead the people to a place near the Danube in the direction of Pannonia whose metropolis had been formerly the aforementioned Sirmium. It was there, as it is said, that the aforementioned Chagan settled all the people he had captured to be henceforth his subjects. There they intermarried with Bulgars, Avars, and other peoples, had children with them, children whom they brought up according to the traditions of the Romans, and so through orthodoxy and the holy and life-giving baptism the race of the Christians increased and became numerous as had that of the Hebrews in Egypt under the Pharaoh. And as each related to the other concerning the residence of their ancestors, they fired in each other’s heart to desire to return.

After some sixty and more years had passed following the devastations which affected their ancestors, another and new people evolved, and in time the greatest number of them became free. Finally, the Chagan, considering them to constitute a people with an identity of its own put, in accordance to the custom of his race, a chieftain upon them, a man by the name of Kouver. When Kouver learned from some of his most intimate associates the desire of the exiled Romans for their ancestral homes, he gave the matter some thought, then took them together with other peoples, i.e., the foreigners who had joined them, [as is said in the Book of Moses about the Jews at the time of their exodus,] with all their baggage and arms. According to what is said, they rebelled and separated themselves from the Chagan. The Chagan, when he learned this, set himself in pursuit of them, met them in five or six battles and, being defeated in each one by them, took flight and retired to the regions further north. After the victory, Kouver, together with the aforementioned people, crossed the aforementioned river Danube, came to our regions and occupied the Keramesion plain. Once there, the people, in particular those who were orthodox, sought their ancestral cities, some, our city of Thessalonica, protected by the martyr, others, the most prosperous and queen of cities, and still others, the cities in Thrace which still stood.

This is what the people wanted. But counsellors of mischievious intent conceived the following ill advice: that no one among the people achieve what he desired, but that Kouver remain their chieftain and Chagan, mixed as they had come. For if they tried to go to the one who had obtained from God the scepter to rule over us and he received and dispersed them, Kouver would thereby be deprived of his authority. Accordingly, an embassy was sent to the bearer of the scepter requesting that he [Kouver] be allowed to remain together with his people where he was, and that the nation of the Drugoviti, situated near us, be ordered to furnish him in sufficient quantity the necessary provisions. And this was done. Accordingly, when most of them went among the huts of the Sklavenes in order to provision themselves and, when upon asking, they ascertained was not very far, most of those of Roman origin, with wives and children, began to enter our city saved by God. The administrative officials immediately sent them by ship to the capital.

When Kouver learned this, as he could not reveal the perfidy which lay in his heart, he took counsel with his advisers about his own thought and loss, and came to this secret resolve: that one of his most remarkable and clever chieftains, a man, to speak briefly, replete with the machinations of the devil, who knew our language, that of the Romans, Sklavenes, and Bulgars, should feign to have rebelled against Kouver. He should, like the rest, approach our city guarded by God, and pretending to offer himself the servitor of the emperor, introduce among us the greatest part of his people, those who shared his evil design. And so, in this way, through a civil war, he would take the city. After its occupation, Kouver, with baggage and the rest of his chieftains, would openly establish himself there and then. Having fortified himself, he would attack the surrounding nations, and having become master of them, he would wage war against the islands and Asia, and even against the emperor himself.

Following the consultation and this decision confirmed, it appears, by oath, one of the chieftains, a man by the name of Mauros, found refuge in our city. There, using fine but deceptive words confirmed by oaths, persuaded those in power to bring to the most pious emperor a report about him which was most favorable and worthy of belief. The emperor, the benefactor of all, persuaded by what was reported to him, sent a written act designating Mauros consul as a mark of honor, and offering him a standard as gift. He ordered further that all the Sermesians who had fled from Kouver be put under his command. When this order became public and was inserted in the register of matriculation, all the people who had fled here were put under the command of Mauros, and he became their general. However, some among the Romans, knowing that Mauros never kept any faith, but that by his machinations, deceptions, and perjuries he was always evil in his ways and had thus ravaged many places and peoples, advised that one should have no faith in him. When Mauros learned this–he learned it from charges made by those who were close to him in their ways of thought and manner of acting–he cut off the heads of those who were revealing in secret his terrible design and sold their wives and children wherever and as he pleased.

Thus, the rest of the Christians, not daring to reveal the ambush being set up against the city, bemoaned their fate and that of the city. No one dared to offer resistance. Moreover, those who were in power then seemed to fear him. For this, Mauros had designated as centurions, decurions, and officers at the head of fifty men those persons who shared his evil designs. And his armed men, provided for at the public expense, watched day and night wherever there were courageous men. His plan was this, that, during the night of the great feast of Holy Saturday, when the city, with all, would be celebrating the joyous resurrection of the Savior Christ, he would with his men experienced in war incite civil war, set fire in certain official places, and thus take possession of the city.

But he who had received power from God by an invisible inspiration and sign, according to what it is written, that the heart of the king is in the hand of God, diverting it as water wherever he wishes, considered it good, without yet knowing of the evil planned against the city, to order Sisinnios, then commander of the ships, a man wise in his words and ways and in all things confiding in God, to come to this city guarded by the glorious athlete, together with the soldiers of the ships under his command. He was to watch over the aforementioned Mauros, and those who had gathered about him, to the end that with such an army as his here present, those about the aforementioned Kouver would be more eager to seek refuge in the city. This illustrious Sisinnios, wishing to execute this order, departed from the regions of Hellas and reached the island of Skiathos, now for many years uninhabited, on Sunday before Holy Easter, a Sunday which is celebrated in all orthodox cities and is called Palm Sunday. And finding one of the holy churches located there overgrown with shrubs and trees, he ordered his obedient soldiers to have part of it cleared in order to celebrate the holy liturgy. And this was done.

On the following day, which was the Holy Monday of the Lord’s passion, as the winds were not favorable for sailing towards us, this most virtuous man assembled alt his army and said to them that they should not be negligent, that they should clear the rest of the church and the baptistry that was there, and that they should prepare themselves to hear the words of Christ and celebrate the holiday as was customary. Having heard the speech, they put themselves most willingly, each one urging the other, to the task of clearing the church and the baptistry. Some among them occupied themselves with the preparations for the holiday, others fished, while still others hunted; in a word, each hoped to contribute what appeared to him best in the preparations for the holiday. Meanwhile, they were all ignorant of what was in the mind of the aforementioned Kouver, Mauros, and their associates. Now, after the divine liturgy for this Holy Monday vrai celebrated, after all had dined and according to custom rendered thanks to God, they were ordered by that most praiseworthy man, after he had taken care of everything that pertained to the watch, to rest.

As for him, as soon as he fell asleep, there appeared before him not in dream but in reality the one who ever works and cares for unworthy servants and country, who manages all well for our salvation, the glorious martyr of God, Demetrius, and spoke to him thus:“ Arise, why do you sleep! Put sail, the wind is favorable.” Thereupon Sisinnios, considering this vision as most real, asked the guardian of the ship what was the wind. And he replied: “it is contrary and more violent than yesterdayHe was again about to sleep, when the same saint reappeared and, arousing him quickly and touching his side, said: “Arise I told you, put sail, the wind is favorable.” Aroused thus again, he asked those who slept nearby and those in charge of the watch who it was who had spoken to him and had awakened him in order to depart. As everyone denied having seen anybody or to have heard anything about the matter at all, he asked again if the wind was favorable. Everyone said that it was contrary. Perplexed by what was said and seen, he was, because of his great preoccupations, about to fall asleep again, when the martyr approached him for the third time and, not without some concern and annoyance, said to him:

“Do not be negligent, arise, set sail, the wind is favorable; here you are sleeping, while others sail.” This admirable man, a true friend of God and the martyr, now got up, realized that such an exhortation to sail was a divine revelation, not a thing imagined, and began, without making any inquiries, to move quickly about the ships, ordering them to set sail towards us. There were some who objected to this, asking why. Since the winds were unfavorable and they were busy preparing for the celebration of the holiday, he wished to transport them to another place still more deserted. But he, assured by the third appearance of the martyr, i.e. the vision of the protector of our city, Demetrius, and his persistent belief that the sailing would be favorable, gave orders to row in order to put to sea. Just then he saw a ship, seeming to come from the regions of Chalcidice, sailing towards them and he recalled what was said to him in the revelation.

The ships, propelled by the oars, moved towards the open sea, facing, as we said, the wind, when suddenly the wind, through a sign of God, thanks to the intercession of the saint, began to blow behind them. And so, sailing smoothly and happily, they reached this city, delivered by God thanks to its defender Demetrius, on Holy Wednesday of the Holy Week, at the seventh hour. Thus, the drama of the civil war, cruelly conceived and planned by Mauros and his followers, was avoided. Mauros, frightened and discouraged, was seized by a fever which put him to bed for many days. Indeed, he would have passed away had not the aforementioned man, the ever praiseworthy general, unaware of what he had meditated, reassured him by words and oaths. As regards to the appearance of the martyr and his urgings on him to set sail, all this the general related to most of the citizens, emphasizing the concern and providence which the martyr had for the city. He gave orders finally that Mauros with all the following which had come to him from Kouver, as well as the army of the ships under his own command, withdraw from the city and encamp in the regions to the west of it in order that the Keramesians, who wished to get away from the Sklavenes and come here, might do so freely and without fear.

Now, after this, when an imperial order and the vessels intended to transport the Keramesians, so often mentioned, had reached the aforementioned God-loving general in charge of the ships referred to, this Mauros, together with those who had fled with him, joined the emperor, crowned by God, and, having been received by him, was named archon. But not even in this did the providence of the saint inspired by God remain lax, but through the son of the same Mauros he made known to the pious ears the evil project which Mauros and Kouver had formulated against our city, revealing thus to him, (i.e. the emperor) the treachery of the so often mentioned Mauros; and also this, that in the regions of Thrace, he had resolved in his treachery even to turn against his life. That these things appeared to be truly so is shown by this: that, the often mentioned Kouver, observing what had been agreed between him and Mauros, did no harm to any of the men or property of Mauros. Furthermore, not only did he allow the wives of Mauros to retain their honors, but had these honors increased. The aforementioned pious emperor, who puts the affairs of the empire into the hands of God, the source of his power, did not put Mauros, whom God had now abandoned to him, to death, but, stripping him of his honors, deprived him of the command and his army, and confined him in a suburb under the watchful eyes of reliable men.

Who will not admire, dear and Christ-loving brothers, the passion, the solicitude and the help of Demetrius of everlasting memory, protector and liberator of our city ? We were without concern and in ignorance with regard to the capture of our city and he, through God, put it into the heart of the emperor to send the fleet here for the help and salvation of the city ; and, as the day of the planned civil war and our unexpected and inescapable death approached, he aroused the general, turned the wind from unfavorable to favorable,inducing thereby a smooth and happy sailing and so destroyed the plans and hopes of those who had thought to capture this city, his servant.

V. A Different Miracle by the Holy Martyr Demetrius or of the Bishop Cyprianus

When he* was already on his way, traveling by ship which approached the shores of Greece, he was taken prisoner by the savage Sklavenes. They took prisoner who were with him on the ship and, having counted them all, made into servants, including the bishop. And taking them towards their lands they used them whether or not the prisoner was of a gentle or gruff disposition…

[* note: this refers to Cyprian, an African bishop on his way to Constantinople.]

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January 26, 2018

All the Slavs of the Miracles of Saint Demetrius – Book I

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The Miracles of Saint Demetrius come in two books.  The first one was written by Archbishop of John (the second) of Thessalonica sometime in the early 600s.  It is a collection of, what appear to be sermons, amongst which there is a description of a siege of Thessalonica undertaken by a Slavic army.  Since John describes himself as walking the battlements during the siege and since he was archbishop of the city during 603-610 and again during 617-626, the siege presumably took place at that time.  The second book of miracles was written by someone else towards the end of the seventh century.  The primary scholarly edition of both of these books was that of Paul Lemerle (Les plus anciens recueils des miracles de saint Démétrius et la pénétration des Slaves dans les Balkans – which also contains a French translation).  We begin with the first book.  Its “Slavic” passages are contained in Chapter 12, 13 and 14 (there are fifteen total “miracles”/chapters).

Chapter 12
Of the Fire of the Ciborium and the Surprise Attack by the Slavs

[At night during the celebrations of Saint Demetrius’ day, barbarians set fire to the basilica’s ciborium and everyone was called to arms]

“All the people having heard this call, rushed to their houses and armed went to man the walls.  From there they glanced in the plain in front of the sanctuary of the Holy Matron, a throng of barbarians, albeit not too large, estimated at about five thousand, but of great strength for the all were selected and battle-hardened warriors.  They would not have assaulted this city great city were they not possessed of greater might and bravery than those [denizens of the city] who had never defeated them [the barbarians].”

“It was with the coming of the dawn that the townsfolk spotted the enemy from the walls, raised a cry and many of them ran down and through the open gates stepped outside.  Aided by Christ and the Victorious Demetrius] they joined battle with the enemies who, full of battle rage, had by then already breached the sanctuary of the three holy martyrs: Chiona, Irene and Agappa, which sanctuary, as you know, was found in the vicinity of the town walls.  The sides continued in battle throughout most of the day and the hosts of Demetrius, with great risk, once chased the enemy, then gave way to it, because, as is told, the enemy brought out the elite flower of the entire Slav tribe.  Eventually, thanks to the martyr’s [Demetrius’] aid, on that day the barbarians were driven out and retreated in smaller numbers than they arrived with.  In this way ended this unexpected and wild assault.”

Chapter 13
Of the Siege of the City by the Avaro-Slavs

“It is said, that the then ruler of the Avars decided to send emissaries regarding a certain matter to Maurice who was, with God’s choice, then wielding the scepter of the Byzantines. But since his requests did not bring desired results, he fell into an uncontrollable rage, feeling that he must not refrain from causing great harm to the one who so casually listened to his demands, pondering in what manner he could cause him [Maurice] the greatest harm and concocting the most terrible things, which then, however, came to pass.  He realized that the God-honored capital of the Thessalonicans stood out from amongst all cities of Thrace and Illyricum by reason of its diverse riches and pious, wise and most humble people; that is, to put it simply, he knew that the above-mentioned city was dear to the Emperor’s heart for it shines everywhere with its accolades; so that if suddenly it found itself in some kind of danger, the Byzantine Empire would suffer for it.”

“So he called to his side the entire wild tribe of the Slavs – this nation was subordinate to him at that time – and joining with them barbarians from other tribes, ordered them all to set out against Thessalonica.  This was the greatest host that had been seen in our day.  Some estimated it at over one hundred thousand armed men, others at a little bit less, and others yet at much more.  Since the exact truth could not be ascertained due to the countless numbers [of the enemy], the people looked to the eyewitnesses [to guess the numbers of the enemy]… We heard of rivers and streams by  which these armies stopped, about all the country which they traversed and which, as in [writing] of the prophet [Joel] ‘were put out to waste.’  This numerous army was ordered to cross the lands at such a pace that we did not become aware of its arrival until the immediately prior day.”

“This [news] was relayed to us on Sunday, the 22nd of September.  While the denizens of the city were pondering whether the enemy would take the city after four days or later and for this reason the city guard were not adequately prepared, that very same night [they] silently approached the city walls.  It was then that the praiseworthy martyr, Demetrius, aided [the city] for the first time, confusing them during that night so that they spent many hours about the fortress of the praiseworthy Matron martyr, thinking that they had arrived at the city itself.  When it finally dawned and they realized that the city is nearby, they set out for it in unison, roaring like lions.  Thereafter, they attached siege ladders to the walls which ladders they had brought with them, ready to ascend them….”

[Demetrius appears under the guise of a Thessalonican soldier and defeats the barbarians climbing the siege ladders]

“…All the barbarians, who were present there in great numbers, filled with terrible dread, instantly moved away from the walls; that night there were few sentries on the walls and [many] had headed home for it was believed that the throng of barbarians would not appear until a few days from then.”

“When day finally came, these wild animals tightly surrounded the city walls so that even a bird could not fly away beyond the gates, nor enter the city from the outside.  They girded the city from the endings of the eastern wall reaching the sea to the western wall, like a deadly wreath and not a scarp of land was to be seen by virtue of the [density of the] barbarians.  In lieu of the ground, the grass and the trees all that could be seen were the heads of the enemy, one behind the other, all angry and threatening us with death by tomorrow.  And it was strange that on that day not only did they surround the city as if [they were] the sands but also many of them took up spots in the suburbs and fields surrounding the city [proper], destroying everything, consuming and pommeling all, and all that was left trampling with their feet, just as the beast did in Daniel’s vision.  They did not even need to build a stockade around the city or any trenches; rather, their shields formed an impassable palisade  one after the other and a stockade was made of their bodies tightly woven together like a fisherman’s net.”

Chapter 14
About the Recitalist Actor After the Siege by the Avaro-Slavs 

“Many of them, having lost hope of a quick victory in the next few days, went to the city masters and confessed through a translator [as follows]:  “The leader of the Avars sent us having received exact reports from many people [spies] that the city had only a few militiamen, for it had only recently been touched by a plague, and he assured us that we would take it the very next day. But when we arrived we saw many soldiers, who exceeded our armies in numbers and in bravery.  From that moment we stopped believing in our victory and decided instead to seek safety with you.”

“But that only happened later.  Instead on that day [when the Slavs arrived] when they found themselves at the walls, they busied themselves with provisions, prisoners and booty which they carried with them.  But all the grains and other crops (which agricultural produce, even if harvested in prior years, it was customary at that time to keep outside [of the city]) stolen by them would only last them through that day [and] till morning on the day following.  And thereafter, they ate fruits, tree branches and tree roots as well as all manner of vegetables, then grass, wild herbs and the so-called thistle plant – until, eventually, they were devouring dirt and they were hungry still for the Earth did not, as it is written, did not withstand their onrush.”

“In the evening of the first day they gathered brushwood and set up campfires around the city… Then, by this terrible fire there issued from them an even more terrible cry, of which it is said in the prophesies that the ‘Earth shook and the the heaven sent down rain.'”

“Throughout the whole night we heard around us much rumble and on the next morrow we saw that they set up siege engines, iron battering rams, huge stone throwers and the so-called turtle shields which they along with the stone throwers covered with hard leather.  Then, they covered them with the skins of freshly killed cattle and camels so as to protect them from fire and hot tar [of the defenders].  And in this matter they came closer to the city walls and starting on the third day they began to gather on the other side [of the city walls] stones which in their size were reminiscent of mountain boulders and their bowmen were issuing hails of arrows so that no one from the city could stick themselves out or to look outside.* They attached [protective] lids/covers on the other side of the walls while they used rods and war axes ceaselessly trying to break through the [wall] foundations….”

* note: presumably while the stone gatherers were picking them up at the outside of the city walls.

“We have said already that during the first and second day of the siege, the enemy was gathering provisions and getting ready all kinds of terrible machines against the city.  Between the third and the seventh day (for the blessed martyr did not suffer the siege to last longer) they brought to the city walls siege towers, battering rams, stone throwing catapults and wooden mantlets.  First they brought out a battering ram with a head of iron and set it in front of Cassandra’s gate but when they saw a grappling iron hanging over the gate that’d been put up there by the citizens, though it was small and harmless as a child’s toy, they were filled with dread and they spurned their great contraption – I speak of the ram – and burning it down as well as other similar ones and not having achieved their goals, they departed for the day to their tents…”

“Later, under cover of leather covers they tried, like vicious snakes, to destroy the ramparts, they say with axes and wooden poles.  And perhaps they would have achieved their desired goal, had not Providence shone down upon the inhabitants, armed their hearts with bravery and sent them out beyond the walls so as to terrify those, who shielded by the covers had almost manage to destroy all [ramparts].  For it had been [until then] not possible to toss anything at those protected below hidden by the walls so that they remained unseen from above.  Thus, armed men, filled with God-ignited fervor, came in front of the gate using a lowered so-called gangway, that had been damaged earlier.  When they approached the exterior walls, they caused panic among the enemies.  Filled with unspeakable fear, they left all their gear with which they had intended to destroy the exterior walls and escaped; this, even though the men who came out to the did not wield anything other than spears and shields…”

“When the enemy, by reason of a single divine decree escaped, leaving behind mantlets, poles, and pickaxes, no one gave chase after them; [and] on the next day they used stone throwers.These were rectangular, set on broad platforms, with their ends set with sharp tips on which sat broad cylinders covered at the ends with iron; to these there were nailed beams as in a palisade.  At the back they had suspended projectiles and in the front strong ropes, which, when pulled downwards, rumbled as they lifted the catapults. Those, in turn, when lifted high, tossed giant, massive stones, such that neither the ground nor city houses could withstand their fall.   Three sides of these rectangular stone throwers were secured with beams [designed] so that projectiles tossed from the walls would not injure those who were pulling on the [catapult ropes] inside [the contraption].  And if one of them were hit by [our] fire projectiles and burned down together with the beams, the [barbarians inside] were sent escaping together with their equipment.  The next day, they again brought these stone throwers, protected, as we said, with new skins and beams, and setting [the stone throwers] very close to the city walls, they tossed at us heaps of stones…”

[only one projectile hit the walls and on the very same day the barbarians departed to their camp]

“There came Sunday, the seventh and last day of the siege when [our] enemies were resting after the exhaustion of the preceding days.  They wanted to force a life and death battle on the very next day, aiming to surround the walls tightly from all sides and thereupon to frighten the battlement guards with a sudden onrush so as to cause them to abandon the walls so that none of them watching from the top could [see what was going on in front of the gates] and could not come out and try to undertake any effort to help the others futilely fighting [in front of the gates?], upon their [the enemy’s] appearance.  When they were talking among themselves – of which we were made aware by their deserters – all our [men] were terribly frightened awaiting for the assault planned for the next day.  Surprisingly though, that very day, around eight in the evening, all of the barbarians escaped as one man with a great cry onto a [nearby] hill, having abandoned [their] tents with their supplies.  They had been so frightened that some were running away unarmed and without clothes.  They spent the next three hours or so in the nearby hills, seeing that of which we learned only later [the figure of Saint Demetrius].  Finally, at the setting of the sun they returned to their tents, though by order of the triumphant [Christ], now robbing [and fighting] each other so that there were many wounded and some had even fallen.”

“When that night had passed in a great calm, quite different from the prior [night], then at dawn a rather large number of the enemy appeared at the gates, though from that uncounted multitude there remained not one [man].  The inhabitants, suspecting [some new] trick and treachery, neither opened the gates nor accepted any enemy deserters.  However, many of them loudly professed that all the enemies had quietly escaped during the night so that [finally] about five o’clock in the morning they were let in.  The [inhabitants immediately] queried them and demanded that [the men that had been let in] honestly reveal the enemies’ intentions and they confessed why they had escaped [to the city]: ‘We escaped to you so as not to starve but also knowing that you have won [this] war.  We realized that you had been hiding your armies in the city up until now and that only yesterday about eight did you have them issue forth against us in all their numbers at all the gates and so then you saw us escape into the hills.  When in the evening we found out then that the same army had come out of the gates, we abandoned [the hills].  The others argued amongst themselves robbing one another and when they eventually settled down then they [decided to and] escaped quietly throughout the night.  For they said that at dawn [your] armies would once again set out against them.  Thus, those others escaped while we remained behind.'”

[there follows here the explanation as to the nature of the mysterious army as also thanksgiving prayers]

“The inhabitants sent out riders and discovered that the enemies did in fact escape and that during the night they covered a great distance, fleeing in such terror and fear that they dropped/left behind them [their] clothes, equipment, animals and people.”

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September 5, 2017

Ausserordentlich Viele Koinkidinks

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Speaking of Grimm, it is unfortunate that his Deutsche Mythologie has not been translated into a Slavic language (as far as we know).  There are lots of interesting tidbits throughout that book…

For example:

Most adults are aware that light travels faster than sound.  The difference is actually quite significant.  The speed of light is about 186,000 miles per second whereas sound will travel only 1,125 feet in that same second.  It is for this reason that when you see lightning, you then expect to hear thunder.  In fact, you can calculate how far lightning struck from you merely by counting the number of seconds that pass when you hear the thunder sound that follows it.

What does that have to do with Grimm and Slavs?

Well, there is an interesting passage in Procopius that says something like:

“For they believe that one God, the maker of lightning, is alone lord of all things, and they sacrifice to him cattle and all other victims…”

For years, it was assumed that this was a reference to the Russian Perun.*  And yet, as we know the Polish Piorun, the East Slav Perun or Lithuanian Perkunas refer to thunder not lightning.  Is the same God the maker of lightning?

* note: the cattle reference suggested Veles to some but, to the extent that there even was any Veles, it seems odd to sacrifice “cattle” to the alleged “cattle god”. Veles can, on the other hand, be another name for Piorun.

We might say yes if we look at expressions such as “Jasny piorun”, “jasny grom” and others…  And yet these expressions seem like conflations of two independent atmospheric phenomena.

The distinction of these two phenomena is hinted at in the 8th century work of Cosmography of Aethicus Ister where we learn that:

“Naxos and Melos and these islands are islands of the Cyclades, and the very round Isle of Melon as well, which is ver fertile; Jason, Pluto or Paron, and Pharius were born there.”

Naxon et Melos et ipsae insolae Cicladum insolaque Melon rotundissima adeo et fertilis, ubi Iason et Plutonem uel Paronem et Pharium editos.  

Here Paron is equated with Pluto but “Iason” remains separate.

So what does this have to do with Grimm, again?

Well, we’ve previously noted the strange fact that Odin simply means “one” in Russian/Ukrainian (Polish jeden – eden?).

Did Grimm know that?  He was a competent anthropologist, well-learned in Teutonic, Gallic and Slavic beliefs.

And so right at the beginning of the very first edition of his book, he mentions some Slavic Gods.

Among those, looking for similarities and differences between Slavic and Germanic Gods, he notices a God from the Slavic region of Krain (Italian Carniola) in today’s Slovenia (mentioned in a local dictionary).  That God’s name is Torik or Tork.  Grimm looks at the name and expresses his belief that this (war!) God has nothing to do with either the Germanic Tyr nor Thor.

So far so good…

But Grimm then provides an explanation of the Slavic God’s name, the implication of which he does not appear to grasp.

“There is an extraordinary great overlap in Germanic and Slavic superstitions”

He says that the Slavic God’s name simply comes from vtorik, that is the “other” or “second”.  He says this is because the Slavic Torik was a war God and the name was a simple translation of the  name Mars.  Mars or Martis was and is Tuesday (incidentally, Tyr’s day) which was the second day of the Slavic week.  So the Slavs started to call their Mars by using their translated name of the “second” day of the week which day was dedicated to the god Mars.

This may or may not be true, of course.

A much more interesting question, however, is why is Thor called Thor or Tyr called Tyr?

And here is the real brain twister.  How is it that two Germanic Gods’ names Odin and his “son” Thor correspond to Slavic numerals of one and two.  Note also that vtori can mean the returning, repeated.

And why is Odin called Odin, again?  What is the Germanic etymology here?

Moreover, is not the God of Lightning, the “first” God?  You see lightening first before you hear the corresponding thunder.  Lighting is, well, bright.  Brightness corresponds to the name of the God Jasion (the Polish Jaś), the God of the “year” or Jahr or spring (Slavic v-esna or v-iosna) also the God of agriculture rebirth (notice the adventure with Demeter – Dea – meter – the Mother Goddess but also the Earth Goddess).

First, comes Jasion (“lightning”) and then comes Peron (“thunder”).

“Father” and “Son”.

Odin and Vtor

Odin and Thor.

Was then Zeus Thor who struck his father Jasion in an act of not simply “divine punishment” but usurpation?

Incidentally, Jasion is also mentioned in Sacra Moraviae Historia  where He is referred to as “Chasson/sive Jassen”.

It is also noteworthy that “Chasson” was the name of one of the Slavic leaders in Book 2 of the Miracles of Saint Demetrius.

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July 22, 2017

Miscellaneous Raiding Activity

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Finished sometime between 640 and 724 (see below), the “Miscellaneous Chronicle up to the year 724” (that is Chronicon miscellaneous ad annum domino 724 pertinent elsewhere referred to as the Book of the Caliphs or Liber Calipharum aka Liber Chalipharum) contains a single mention of Slavs (the “blessed men” could be monks killed by the invaders):

“AG 934 [AD 623]  The Slavs invaded Crete and the other islands.  There some blessed men of Quenneshre [Qenneshrin] were taken captive and some twenty of them were killed.”

Typical Slav raid on Crete

The above is from the Andrew Palmer translation.

The authorship of the chronicle is unclear – perhaps its author was Thomas the Presbyter.

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June 18, 2017

Evagrius and the Avars

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Evagrius Scholasticus (Greek: Εὐάγριος Σχολαστικός) was a Syrian scholar and intellectual living in the 6th century AD, and an aide to the patriarch Gregory of Antioch.  His one surviving work, Ecclesiastical History (Ἐκκλησιαστικὴ Ἱστορία), comprises a six-volume collection concerning the Church’s history from the First Council of Ephesus (A.D. 431) to Maurice’s reign during his life.

Although Evagrius does not mention Slavs, people have suspected that he included Slavs among at least some of the Avars that he does mention.  (Others have even thought that he means Slavs when he says Avars – at least in some instances).  Overall what can probably be said is that some Slavs partook of the invasions of Greece along with the Avars (as mentioned in the Chronicle of Monemvasia or the Miracles of Saint Demetrius) and so mention of Evagrius’ History is appropriate.  For good measure, given the confusion of the times, we throw in pieces that also mention Scythians (note that the Avars are also referred to as “Scythians” as in their trek west after having been beaten by the “Turks” – Book 5) or Massagetae.

The translation is rather ancient itself – by Walford from 1846.

Book 1, Chapter 17

During those times arose the celebrated war of Attila, king of the Scythians: the history of which has been written with great care and distinguished ability by Priscus the rhetorician, who details, in a very elegant narrative, his attacks on the eastern and western parts of the empire, how many and important cities he reduced, and the series of his achievements until he was removed from the world.

It was also in the reign of Theodosius that an extraordinary earthquake occurred, which threw all former ones into the shade, and extended, so to speak, over the whole world. Such was its violence, that many of the towers in different parts of the imperial city were overthrown, and the long wall, as it is termed, of the Chersonese, was laid in ruins; the earth opened and swallowed up many villages; and innumerable other calamities happened both by land and sea. Several fountains became dry, and, on the other hand, large bodies of water were formed on the surface, where none existed before: entire trees were torn up by the roots and hurled aloft, and mountains were suddenly formed by the accumulation of masses thrown up. The sea also cast up dead fish; many islands were submerged; and, again, ships were seen stranded by the retreat of the waters. At the same time Bithynia, the Hellespont, and cither Phrygia, suffered severely. This calamity prevailed for a considerable time, though the violence with which it commenced, did not continue, but abated by degrees until it entirely ceased.

Book 2, Chapter 14

About the same time, when the Scythian war was gathering against the Eastern Romans, an earthquake visited Thrace, the Hellespont, Ionia, and the islands called Cyclades; so severe as to cause a universal overthrow in Cnidus and Cos. Priscus also records the occurrence of excessive rains about Constantinople and Bithynia, which descended like torrents for three or four days; when hills were swept down to the plains, and villages carried away by the deluge: islands also were formed in the lake Boane, not far from Nicomedia, by the masses of rubbish brought down by the waters. This evil, however, was subsequent to the former.

Book 3, Chapter 2

In such a manner, then, had Zeno, from the commencement of his reign, depraved his course of life: while, however, his subjects, both in the East and the West, were greatly distressed; in the one quarter, by the general devastations of the Scenite barbarians; and in Thrace, by the inroads of the Huns, formerly known by the name of Massagetae, who crossed the Ister without opposition: while Zeno himself, in barbarian fashion, was making violent seizure on whatever escaped them.

Book 3, Chapter 25

Theodoric also, a Scythian, raised an insurrection, and having collected his forces in Thrace, marched against Zeno. After ravaging every place in his march as far as the mouth of the Pontus, he was near taking the imperial city, when some of his most intimate companions were secretly induced to enter into a plot against his life. When, however, he had learnt the disaffection of his followers, he commenced a retreat, and was very soon afterwards numbered with the departed, by a kind of death which I will mention, and which happened thus. A spear, with its thong prepared for immediate use, had been suspended before his tent in barbaric fashion. He had ordered a horse to be brought to him for the purpose of exercise, and being in the habit of not having any one to assist him in mounting, vaulted into his seat. The horse, a mettlesome and ungovernable animal, reared before Theodoric was fairly mounted, so that, in the contest, neither daring to rein back the horse, lest it should come down upon him, nor yet having gained a firm seat, he was whirled round in all directions, and dashed against the point of the spear, which thus struck him obliquely, and wounded his side. He was then conveyed to his couch, and after surviving a few days, died of the wound.

Book 3, Chapter 35

It will not be inconsistent, if, in accordance with the promise which I originally made, I insert in my narrative the other circumstances worthy of mention which occurred in the time of Anastasius.

Longinus, the kinsman of Zeno, on his arrival at his native country, as has been already detailed, openly commences war against the emperor: and after a numerous army had been raised from different quarters, in which Conon, formerly bishop of Apamea in Syria, was also present, who, as being an Isaurian, aided the Isaurians, an end was put to the war by the utter destruction of the Isaurian troops of Longinus. The heads of Longinus and Theodore were sent to the imperial city by John the Scythian; which the emperor displayed on poles at the place called Sycae, opposite Constantinople, an agreeable spectacle to the Byzantines, who had been hardly treated by Zeno and the Isaurians. The other Longinus, surnamed of Selinus, the main stay of the insurgent faction, and Indes, are sent alive to Anastasius by John, surnamed Hunchback ; a circumstance which especially gladdened the emperor and the Byzantines, by the display of the prisoners led in triumph along the streets and the hippodrome, with iron chains about their necks and hands. Thenceforward, also, the payment called Isaurica accrued to the imperial treasury, being gold previously paid to the Barbarians annually, to the amount of five thousand pounds.

Book 5, Chapter 1

In this manner did Justinian depart to the lowest region of retribution, after having filled every place with confusion and tumults, and having received at the close of his life the reward of his actions. His nephew Justin succeeds to the purple; having previously held the office of guardian of the palace, styled in the Latin language Curopalata. No one, except those who were immediately about his person, was aware of the demise of Justinian or the declaration of Justin, until the latter made his appearance in the hippodrome, by way of formally assuming the stated functions of royalty. Confining himself to this simple proceeding, he then returned to the palace.

His first edict was one dismissing the bishops to their respective sees, wherever they might be assembled, with a provision that they should maintain what was already established in religion, and abstain from novelties in matters of faith. This proceeding was to his honour. In his mode of life, however, he was dissolute, utterly abandoned to luxury and inordinate pleasures: and to such a degree was he inflamed with desire for the property of others, as to convert every thing into a means of unlawful gain; standing in no awe of the Deity even in the case of bishoprics, but making them a matter of public sale to any purchasers that offered. Possessed, as he was, alike by the vices of audacity and cowardice, he in the first place sends for his kinsman Justin, a man universally famous for military skill and his other distinctions, who was at that time stationed upon the Danube, and engaged in preventing the Avars from crossing that river.

These were one of those Scythian tribes who live in wagons, and inhabit the plains beyond the Caucasus. Having been worsted by their neighbours, the Turks, they had migrated in a mass to the Bosphorus; and, having subsequently left the shores of the Euxine—- where were many barbarian tribes, and where also cities, castles, and some harbours had been located by the Romans, being either settlements of veterans, or colonies sent out by the emperors—-they were pursuing their march, in continual conflict with the barbarians whom they encountered, until they reached the bank of the Danube; and thence they sent an embassy to Justinian.

From this quarter Justin was summoned, as having a claim to the fulfilment of the terms of the agreement between himself and the emperor. For, since both of them had been possessed of equal dignity, and the succession to the empire was in suspense between both, they had agreed, after much dispute, that whichever of the two should become possessed of the sovereignty, should confer the second place on the other; so that while ranking beneath the emperor, he should still take precedence of all others.

Book 5, Chapter 11

On being informed of these events, Justin, in whose mind no sober and considerate thoughts found place after so much inflation and pride, and who did not bear what had befallen him with resignation suited to a human being, falls into a state of frenzy, and becomes unconscious of all subsequent transactions.

Tiberius assumes the direction of affairs, a Thracian by birth, but holding the first place in the court of Justin. He had previously been sent out against the Avars by the emperor, who had raised a very large army for the purpose; and he would inevitably have been made prisoner, since his troops would not even face the barbarians, had not divine Providence unexpectedly delivered him, and preserved him for succession to the Roman ‘sovereignty; which, through the inconsiderate measures of Justin, was in danger of falling to ruin, together with the entire commonwealth, and of passing from such a height of power into the hands of barbarians.


Tiberius, accordingly, applying to a rightful purpose the wealth which had been amassed by improper means, made the necessary preparations for war. So numerous was the army of brave men, raised among the Transalpine nations, the Massagetae, and other Scythian tribes, by a choice levy in the countries on the Rhine, and on this side of the Alps, as well as in Paeonia, Mysia, Illyria, and Isauria, that he completed squadrons of excellent cavalry, to the amount of nearly one hundred and fifty thousand men, and repulsed Chosroes, who, immediately after the capture of Daras, had advanced in the course of the summer against Armenia, and was thence directing his movements upon Caesarea, which was the seat of government of Cappadocia and the capital of the cities in that quarter. In such contempt did Chosroes hold the Roman power, that, when the Caesar had sent an embassy to him, he did not deign to admit the ambassadors to an audience, but bid them follow him to Caesarea; at which place he said he would take the embassy into his consideration. When, however, he saw the Roman army in the front of him, under the command of Justinian, the brother of that Justin who had been miserably put to death by the Emperor Justin, in complete equipment, with the trumpets sending forth martial sounds, the standards uplifted for conflict, and the soldiery eager for slaughter, breathing forth fury, and at the same time maintaining perfect order, and, besides, so numerous and noble a body of cavalry as no monarch had ever imagined, he drew a deep groan, with many adjurations, at the unforeseen and unexpected sight, and was reluctant to begin the engagement. But while he is lingering and whiling away the time, and making a mere feint of fighting, Kurs, the Scythian, who was in command of the right wing, advances upon him; and since the Persians were unable to stand his charge, and were in a very signal manner abandoning their ground, he made an extensive slaughter of his opponents. He also attacks the rear, where both Chosroes and the whole army had placed their baggage, and captures all the royal stores and the entire baggage, under the very eyes of Chosroes; who endured the sight, deeming self-imposed constraint more tolerable than the onset of Kurs. The latter, having together with his troops made himself master of a great amount of money and spoil, and carrying off the beasts of burden with their loads, among which was the sacred fire of Chosroes to which divine honours were paid, makes a circuit of the Persian camp, singing songs of victory, and rejoins, about nightfall, his own army, who had already broken up from their position, without a commencement of battle on the part of either Chosroes or themselves, beyond a few slight skirmishes or single combats, such as usually take place.

Chosroes, having lighted many fires, made preparations for a night assault; and since the Romans had formed two camps, he attacks the division which lay northward, at the dead of night. On their giving way under this sudden and unexpected onset, he advances upon the neighbouring town of Melitene, which was undefended and deserted by its inhabitants, and having fired the whole place, prepared to cross the Euphrates. At the approach, however, of the united forces of the Romans, in alarm for his own safety, he mounted an elephant, and crossed alone; while great numbers of his army found a grave in the waters of the river : on learning whose fate he retreated.

Having paid this extreme penalty for his insolence towards the Roman power, Chosroes retires with the survivors to the eastern parts, in which quarter the terms of the truce had provided that no one should attack him. Nevertheless Justinian made an irruption into the Persian territory with his entire force, and passed the whole winter there, without any molestation. He withdrew about the summer solstice, without having sustained any loss whatever, and passed the summer near the border, surrounded by prosperity and glory.

Book 5, Chapter 20

He also engaged Tamchosroes and Adaarmanes, the principal Persian commanders, who had advanced against him with a considerable force: but the nature, manner, and place of these transactions I leave others to record, or shall perhaps myself make them the subject of a distinct work, since my present one professes to treat of matters of a very different kind. Tamchosroes, however, falls in battle, not by the bravery of the Roman soldiery, but merely through the piety and faith of their commander: and Adaarmanes, being worsted in the fight and having lost many of his men, flies with precipitation, and this too, although Alamundarus, the commander of the Scenite barbarians, played the traitor in declining to cross the Euphrates and support Maurice against the Scenites of the opposite party. For this people are invincible by any other than themselves, on account of the fleetness of their horses : when hemmed in, they cannot be captured; and they outstrip their enemies in retreat. Theodoric too, commander of the Scythian troops, did not so much as venture within range of the missiles, but fled with all his people.

Book 5, Chapter 24

By the aid of God, an account of the affairs of the Church, presenting a fair survey of the whole, has been preserved for us in what has been recorded by Eusebius Pamphili down to the time of Constantine, and thence forward as far as Theodosius the younger, by Theodoret, Sozomen, and Socrates, and in the matters which have been selected for my present work.

Primitive and profane history has been also preserved in a continuous narrative by those who have been zealous at the task; Moses being the first to compose history, as has been clearly shewn by those who have collected whatever bears upon the subject, in writing a true account of events from the beginning of the world, derived from what he learned in converse with God on Mount Sinai. Then follow the accounts which those who after him prepared the way for our religion have stored up in sacred scriptures. Josephus also composed an extensive history, in every way valuable. All the stories, whether fabulous or true, relating to the contests of the Greeks and ancient barbarians, both among themselves and against each other, and whatever else had been achieved since the period at which they record the first existence of mankind, have been written by Charax, Theopompus, Ephorus, and others too numerous to mention. The transactions of the Romans, embracing the history of the whole world and whatever else took place either with respect to their intestine divisions or their proceedings towards other nations, have been treated of by Dionysius of Halicarnassus, who has brought down his account from the times of what are called the Aborigines, to those of Pyrrhus of Epirus. The history is then taken up by Polybius of Megalopolis, who brings it down to the capture of Carthage. All these materials Appian has portioned out by a clear arrangement, separately grouping each series of transactions, though occurring at intervals of time. What events occurred subsequent to the before-mentioned periods, have been treated by Diodorus Siculus, as far as the time of Julius Caesar, and by Dion Cassius, who continued his account as far as Antoninus of Emesa. In a similar work of Herodian, the account extends as far as the death of Maximus; and in that of Nicostratus, the sophist of Trapezus, from Philip, the successor of Gordian, to Odenatus of Palmyra, and the ignominious expedition of Valerian against the Persians. Dexippus has also written at great length on the same subject, commencing with the Scythian wars, and terminating with the reign of Claudius, the successor of Gallierius: and he also included the military transactions of the Carpi and other barbarian tribes, in Greece, Thrace,and Ionia. Eusebius too, commencing from Octavian, Trajan, and Marcus, brought his account down to the death of Carus. The history of the same times has been partially written both by Arrian and Asinius Quadratus: that of the succeeding period by Zosimus, as far as Honorius and Arcadius: and events subsequent to their reign by Priscus the Rhetorician, and others. The whole of this range of history has been excellently epitomised by Eustathius of Epiphania, in two volumes, one extending to the capture of Troy, the other to the twelfth year of the reign of Anastasius. The occurrences subsequent to that period have been written by Procopius the rhetorician as far as the time of Justinian ; and the account has been thenceforward continued by Agathias the rhetorician, and John, my fellow-citizen and kinsman, as far as the flight of Chosroes the younger to the Romans, and his restoration to his kingdom: on which occasion Maurice was by no means tardy in his operations, but royally entertained the fugitive, and with the utmost speed restored him to his kingdom, at great cost and with numerous forces. These writers, however, have not yet published their history. With respect to these events, I also will detail in the sequel such matters as are suitable, with the favour of the higher power.

Book 6, Chapter 3
[AD 589]

Maurice sent out as commander of the forces of the East, first, John, a Scythian, who, after experiencing some reverses, with some alternations of success, achieved nothing worthy of mention; afterwards, Philippicus, who was allied to him by having married one of his two sisters. Having crossed the border and laid waste all before him, he amassed great booty, and killed many of the nobles of Nisibis and the other cities situated within the Tigris. He also gave battle to the Persians, and, after a severe conflict, attended with the loss of many distinguished men on the side of the enemy, he made numerous prisoners, and dismissed unharmed a battalion, which had retreated to an eminence and was fairly in his power, under a promise that they would urge their sovereign to send immediate proposals for peace. He also completed other measures during the continuance of his command, namely, in withdrawing his troops from superfluities and things tending to luxury, and in reducing them to discipline and subordination: the representation of which transactions must be fixed by writers, past or present, according as they may be or have been circumstanced with respect to hearsay or opinion— writers whose narrative, stumbling and limping through ignorance, or rendered affected by partiality, or blinded by antipathy, misses the mark of truth.

Book 6, Chapter 10
[A.D. 590]

Accordingly, the emperor remunerates the troops with largesses of money; and, withdrawing Germanus and others, brings them to trial. They were all condemned to death: but the emperor would not permit any infliction whatever; on the contrary, he bestowed rewards on them.

During the course of these transactions, the Avars twice made an inroad as far as the Long Wall, and captured Anchialus, Singidunum, and many towns and fortresses throughout the whole of Greece, enslaving the inhabitants, and laying every thing waste with fire and sword; in consequence of the greater part of the forces being engaged in the East. Accordingly, the emperor sends Andrew, the first of the imperial guards, on an attempt to induce the troops to receive their former officers.

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