What Can We Learn From Strabo?

Here is an exercise in what one can surmise out of Strabo’s Geography.  Let’s take this passage (Book 7.1.3):

“Here, too, is the Hercynian Forest, and also the tribes of the Suevi, some of which dwell inside the forest, as, for instance, the tribes of the Coldui, in whose territory is Boihaemum, the domain of Marabodus, the place whither he caused to migrate, not only several other peoples, but in particular the Marcomanni, his fellow-tribesmen; for after his return from Rome this man, who before had been only a private citizen, was placed in charge of the affairs of state, for, as a youth he had been at Rome and had enjoyed the favor of Augustus, and on his return he took the rulership and acquired, in addition to the peoples aforementioned, the Lugii (a large tribe), the Zumi, the Butones, the Mugilones, the Sibini, and also the Semnones, a large tribe of the Suevi themselves. However, while some of the tribes of the Suevi dwell inside the forest, as I was saying, others dwell outside of it, and have a common boundary with the Getae.  Now as for the tribe of the Suevi, it is the largest, for it extends from the Rhenus to the Albis; and a part of them even dwell on the far side of the Albis, as, for instance, the Hermondori and the Langobardi; and at the present time these latter, at least, have, to the last man, been driven in flight out of their country into the land on the far side of the river.”

  • The Suevi include Coldui, the Semnones and Hermondori and Langobardi;
  • The Suevi dwell between the Rhine and the Elbe except that the Hermondori and Langobardi have been driven onto the other side of the Elbe;
  • The Suevi border the Getae and thus the Getae are not Suevi;
  • The Getae cannot be the Dacian Getae since these are nowhere near the Elbe; therefore, the Getae are likely Goths;
  • Lugii, Zumi, Butones, Mugilones and Sibini are not Suevi;
    • Butones cannot be “emendated” to “Gutones” since that role is filled by the Getae;  perhaps they are the Budinoi;
  • There are basically three groupings here:
    • Suevi – a confederation (?) of several tribes
      • some of these have “Germanic” names such as Hermondori and Langobards;
      • others not necessarily, such as Coldui or Semnones;
    • non-Suevic/non-Getic tribes – Zumi, the Butones, the Mugilones, the Sibini; and
    • Getae.

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August 20, 2016

One thought on “What Can We Learn From Strabo?

  1. Maciek P.

    According to the Wojciech Kętrzynski Hermonduri are Durzyńcy (“Duri”)! The expression Hermon / Hermun hides the German “ermin” = magnus as maior. Hence Hermonduri are Duri maiores, as Frisii maiores or Chauci maiores. More about the Slavs between the Rhine and the Elbe in: W. Kętrzyński “O Słowianach mieszkających niegdyś między Renem a Łabą, Salą i czeską granicą.” Good job BLOGOSUAV!


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